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[RATE MY TEAM] [VGC'16]- My first VGC team
Rant My Team

So, I need help setting up my VGC’16 team. As I’m only starting to understand the different aspects of competitive Pokémon you won’t find any elaborate explanations to why I chose the mons I did.
This said I also don’t have any great aspirations of how I’m going to succeed. I do this for fun and learning not mainly for winning. However it’s fun to be able to win once in a while especially when you might have lost 5 times in a row.

My team:

Groudon @ Red Orb
Fire, Ground
Desolate Land
EV: 4HP / 252Atk / 252Spe

-Fire Punch
-Thunder-Wave (not sure about this move)

This teams fire and earth. The legendary I have available Wink he is kind of a must have for me unless I get some new mons. I have tried to build the team around him.

Mawile-M @Mawilite
Fairy, Steel
Intimidate / Huge Power
EV: 160 HP / 252 Atk / 88 Def / 8 SpD

-Sucker Punch
-Play Rough
-Iron Head

My go-to Mewtwo buddy hoping they will work well together. Play Rough as main STAB and Sucker Punch for speed.  

Mewtwo @ Mind Plate
EV: 4 HP / 252 SpA / 252 Spe

-Ice Beam
-Calm Mind

Assuming mew2 stays alive I get to hit a wide variety of mons (ground, flying and fighting) is what I expect to counter with this one.  

Togekiss @ Sitrus berry
Fairy, Flying
Serene Grace
EV: 236 HP / 76Def / 180SpD

-Air Slash
-Follow Me

Togekiss will hopefully be able to stay alive long enough to setup tailwind and use Follow Me. Most teams will probably pack steel moves for Xerenas which is a threat. I however feel like I need to be able to control speed somehow. Follow me could also be useful for at least Mewtwo.

Gengar @ Focus Sash
Ghost, Poison
EV: 4HP / 252SpA / 252 Spe

-Sludge Bomb
-Shadow Ball

First I must say I’m not sure about this Gengar at all. My main concern is the question if Gengar is useful if it’s not mega. Maybe I could put gengarite on him and not run him with Mawile at the same time this obviously limits me and maybe it’s utterly stupid? On the other hand keeping levitate might be useful when takin in consideration my own Groudons earthquake but also especially opponents Groudons (as they will probably be common)
Will-O-Wisp obviously for the physical attackers, Sludge for Fairy (Xerenas), Shadow Ball to get some ghost and psychic coverage.

Thundurus @ Life Orb
Electric, Flying
EVs: 252 SpA / 4 SpD / 252 Spe

-Flash Cannon
-Tunder Wave
- Focus Blast

Controlling with Thunder Wave might be this mons most important task. Electric moves and type gives this team better coverage and more options when setting up for battle.

-Stealth Rock

Primal Groudon has both enough Attack and Sp. Atk stats for a massive amount of damage so I think replacing Fire Punch with Flamethrower will do better against foes who will rather relay on it's Def then it's Sp. Def. Also, Setups are really helpful.


-Sludge Bomb
-Shadow Ball
- Icy Wind / Destiny Bond

Lowering the opponent's speed is super useful with Icy Wind to out-speed some Pokemons who are faster. Along with the speed lowered you can send out Togekiss and Air Slash to death to get some flinches.

Everything else is fine with me, I guess.
I don't actually sleep.

I am just a stray cat.
(Jan 27, 2016, 06:05 AM)Sleeper Wrote: Groudon

-Stealth Rock

Primal Groudon has both enough Attack and Sp. Atk stats for a massive amount of damage so I think replacing Fire Punch with Flamethrower will do better against foes who will rather relay on it's Def then it's Sp. Def. Also, Setups are really helpful.


-Sludge Bomb
-Shadow Ball
- Icy Wind / Destiny Bond

Lowering the opponent's speed is super useful with Icy Wind to out-speed some Pokemons who are faster. Along with the speed lowered you can send out Togekiss and Air Slash to death to get some flinches.

Everything else is fine with me, I guess.

This is VGC so stealth rocks arent really needed, Precipice Blades is a better option with another pokemon if said other pokemon does not have telepathy, I do agree with you about the replacing fire punch, but Overheat is the much better option there since Groudon has only 1 Special Attacking move (If he chooses to). Personally Pdon is used more in trick room that anything else so destiny bond Gengar isnt a good option.
"Oh good, he isn't mod anymore"


Ok this team needs some work, Lets start with groudon. Since Pdon is naturally bulky, it doesnt really need any defense investment at the moment, this meta is still young so that is bound to change. Its speed is a problem so running it in trick room would probably be the best bet.

Groudon @ Red Orb
Ability: Drought
Level: 50
EVs: 252 HP / 252 Atk / 4 SpA
Brave Nature
IVs: 3 Spe
- Overheat
- Precipice Blades
- Protect
- Substitute/Rock Slide

Mawile is a big no no when it comes to using it in the sun, since Primal Groudon walls the hell out of it, Mega Kang seems to be the best bet as it always is. Like Groudon, in this format Kang doesnt need any defensive investment since it needs all the help it can to weaken these restricted legends.

Kangaskhan @ Kangaskhanite
Ability: Inner Focus
Level: 50
EVs: 4 HP / 252 Atk / 252 Spe
Jolly Nature
- Fake Out
- Double-Edge
- Low Kick
- Sucker Punch

Togekiss I wouldnt really touch except maybe running rocky helmet, this team is also weak to trick room. So tbh giving Gengar trick room would be your best option. No one will see it coming and since its sashed, if you play smart is almost guaranteed to get up. What's also fun with Gengar, is if you dint set up trick room, you got a fast pokemon on the field anyways.

Gengar @ Focus Sash
Ability: Levitate
Level: 50
EVs: 4 HP / 252 SpA / 252 Spe
Timid Nature
- Shadow Ball
- Will-O-Wisp
- Trick Room
- Protect

Thundurus needs to change, that set is terrible, especially in this format. Thundurus is not an attacker in any means, its simply there for support and to be very annoying. Take advantage of the prankster ability and use it to your advantage

Thundurus @ Sitrus Berry
Ability: Prankster
Level: 50
EVs: 252 HP / 124 Def / 4 SpA / 100 SpD / 28 Spe
Calm Nature
IVs: 0 Atk
- Thunderbolt
- Thunder Wave
- Role Play /Taunt
- Swagger

As for Mewtwo, it isnt really seeing alot of play because its frail and Xerneas pretty much does its job. However @Marcusube made a fantastic mewtwo spread if you want to check that out
"Oh good, he isn't mod anymore"



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