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[REQUEST] Anyone want any Megastone for a garchompite?
I need a Garchompite ASAP, so if you need any other Mega Stone, then please send me your friend code and we'll do a direct trade
ANY MEGA STONE YOU WANT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!11
@TheGamingPerson12 I remember a few days ago you had an item giveaway. When I requested for a Garchompite you never replied then you took your giveaway down. If your still willing to help e then just say so :D
I'm sorry I just was busy but you can get one for free!

EDIT: Added you. Online now
@TheGamingPerson12 REALLYYYYYYY?????????????????
(Sep 11, 2016, 08:20 AM)TheGamingPerson12 Wrote: I'm sorry I just was busy but you can get one for free!

EDIT: Added you. Online now

I'm online too
Thanks @TheGamingPerson12
Oops it didn' soz my fault

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