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[REQUEST] Extreme speed dratini?
Plz has anyone got a extreme speed dratini they wouldn't mind donating? I have a few decent Pokemon to trade like 5iv pawniard or larvester or eevee but I didn't realise that dragonite didn't learn it lol 
thanks in advance :-)
Good English BRO
I would also like a Extreme Dratini. Willing to trade a 5IV dratini, raltz, golett, charmander, or bulbasaur for it
Spreedsheet of Friend safaris Here =)
Or a shiny raikou thinking about it :-)
I can give both you one with HA as well with 5-6 IV's with adamant nature @Ducky  @Cescone
That would be awesome mate I'm at work atm I'll be online in about 5 hours if that's any good to u? And what would u like for it ? @halllo
@halllo  That would be awesome, i got some 5IV charmanders, bulbasaurs, slowpokes (with regenerater), i can trade for it
Spreedsheet of Friend safaris Here =)
If your willing to trade the shiny raikou it would be ideal, since I need it for my dex. But if not I can have the golurk. And ducky I do not need any of those so just trade anything you have Smile (try and make it something I don't have Wink.

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