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[REQUEST] Help Me With My Living Dex?
(Aug 16, 2016, 04:54 PM)silverswitch1234 Wrote: i need to get it from a friend i have it now

@silverswitch1234 It's okay. I'm still online, but only for like 5 more minutes.

***I am 100% willing to give the pokemon back if you don't have an extra.***

Legends (most are repeated in their gens) *I found out that some aren't needed for dex*
  1. Zapdos
  2. Moltres
  3. Regigigas
  4. Tornadus
  5. Reshiram
  6. Kyurem
1st Gen
  1. Rhydon
  2. Tauros
  3. Zapdos
  4. Moltres

2nd Gen
  1. Crobat
  2. Ampharos
  3. Yanma
  4. Quagsire
  5. Umbreon
  6. Dunsparce
  7. Snubbul
  8. Qwilfish
  9. Sneasel
  10. Kingdra
  11. Porygon2
  12. Smoochum
  13. Pupitar
  14. Tyranitar
3rd Gen
  1. Combusken
  2. Dustox
  3. Nuzleaf
  4. Shiftry
  5. Breloom
  6. Slaking
  7. Shedninja
  8. Wailord
  9. Vibrava
  10. Flygon
  11. Cacturne
  12. Cradilly
  13. Armaldo
  14. Dusclops
  15. Walrein
  16. Huntail
  17. Gorebyss
4th Gen
  1. Grotle
  2. Torterra
  3. Staravia
  4. Staraptor
  5. Bidoof
  6. Bastiodon
  7. Burmy
  8. Wormadam
  9. Mothim
  10. Vespiqueen
  11. Pachirisu
  12. Buizel
  13. Floatzel
  14. Gastrodon
  15. Drifblim
  16. Lopunny
  17. Skuntank
  18. Bronzong
  19. Bonsly
  20. Hippowdown
  21. Lumineon
  22. Weavile
  23. Lickilicky
  24. Rhypherior
  25. Tangrowth
  26. Yanmega
  27. Leafeon
  28. Gliscor
  29. Mamoswine
5th Gen
  1. Servine
  2. Pignite
  3. Stoutland
  4. Purrloin
  5. Pansage
  6. Unfezant
  7. Gigalith
  8. Swoobat
  9. Excadrill
  10. Gurdurr
  11. Conkeldurr
  12. Palpitoad
  13. Seismitoad
  14. Throh
  15. Swadloon
  16. Venipede
  17. Whirlipede
  18. Scolipede
  19. Petilil
  20. Lilligant
  21. Krokorok
  22. Krookodile
  23. Carracosta
  24. Archeops
  25. Cinccino
  26. Gothorita
  27. Gothitelle
  28. Duosion
  29. Reuncilus
  30. Ducklett
  31. Swanna
  32. Vanilette
  33. Vanillish
  34. Vanilluxe
  35. Karrablast
  36. Escavalier
  37. Amoonguss
  38. Jellicent
  39. Galvantula
  40. Ferrothorn
  41. Klang
  42. Klinklang
  43. Eelektrik
  44. Eelektross
  45. Beheeyem
  46. Chandelure
  47. Fraxure
  48. Haxorus
  49. Shelmet
  50. Accelgor
  51. Stunfisk
  52. Golett
  53. Golurk
  54. Mandibuzz
  55. Heatmor
  56. Zweilous
  57. Volcarona
  58. Tornadus
  59. Reshiram
  60. Kyurem
6th Gen
  1. Quiladin
  2. Chesnaught
  3. Braxien
  4. Diggersby
  5. Talonflame
  6. Floette
  7. Skiddo
  8. Gogoat
  9. Aegislash
  10. Inkay
  11. Barbaricle
  12. Skrelp
  13. Clawitzer
  14. Carbink
Yes, I know it's a lot but I would really appreciate help on this!
(Aug 15, 2016, 11:15 AM)jemma355 Wrote: I really need help guys! Please?

Hey, I can help you with these:Quagsire
Lopunny (Bunneary)
Servine (Snivy)
Pignite (Tepig)
Swoobat (Woobat)
Krokorok (Sandile)
Fraxure (Axew)
Clawitzer (Clauncher)

The ones in parentheses are the ones I could give you and you could evolve. I already completed the dex and I'm just doing the living dex by breeding, some of them using Masuda Method to have shinies. I'm doing Solosis right now, so you could evolve that one as well, for the Duosion.

Friend code: 2380-5383-2334
Don't know what Friend Safari I have.

Best of luck!
(Aug 17, 2016, 11:23 AM)rmllavaneras Wrote:
(Aug 15, 2016, 11:15 AM)jemma355 Wrote: I really need help guys! Please?

Hey, I can help you with these:Quagsire
Lopunny (Bunneary)
Servine (Snivy)
Pignite (Tepig)
Swoobat (Woobat)
Krokorok (Sandile)
Fraxure (Axew)
Clawitzer (Clauncher)

The ones in parentheses are the ones I could give you and you could evolve. I already completed the dex and I'm just doing the living dex by breeding, some of them using Masuda Method to have shinies. I'm doing Solosis right now, so you could evolve that one as well, for the Duosion.

Friend code: 2380-5383-2334
Don't know what Friend Safari I have.

Best of luck!

@rmllavaneras That's so cool! Yea, I'll take them. Just message me when you're online again and we'll set up a time.
(Aug 17, 2016, 11:43 AM)jemma355 Wrote:
(Aug 17, 2016, 11:23 AM)rmllavaneras Wrote:
(Aug 15, 2016, 11:15 AM)jemma355 Wrote: I really need help guys! Please?

Hey, I can help you with these:Quagsire
Lopunny (Bunneary)
Servine (Snivy)
Pignite (Tepig)
Swoobat (Woobat)
Krokorok (Sandile)
Fraxure (Axew)
Clawitzer (Clauncher)

The ones in parentheses are the ones I could give you and you could evolve. I already completed the dex and I'm just doing the living dex by breeding, some of them using Masuda Method to have shinies. I'm doing Solosis right now, so you could evolve that one as well, for the Duosion.

Friend code: 2380-5383-2334
Don't know what Friend Safari I have.

Best of luck!

@rmllavaneras That's so cool! Yea, I'll take them. Just message me when you're online again and we'll set up a time.

Sent you a message and added your friend code already Smile

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