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[REQUEST] I need one more Pokemon for my team
Format: ou singles

Salamence: earthquake, outrage, fire blast, stone edge
Item: life orb
252 speed 252 attack 4 special attack

I run a mixed mence set to throw off steel type switch in's like ferrothorn, metagross, lucario, and skarmory
I just put the remaining 4 Ev's in special since I'm only using it for super effective hits.
Stone edge is to hit gyrados and togekiss

Manaphy: surf, tail glow, protect, ice beam
Item: mystic water
252 special attack 252 speed 
After one tail glow surf hits pretty much everything pretty hard except for a couple of assault vest Pokemon like goodra which is why I run ice beam with it the only problem is It doesn't hit some water types very hard like vaporeon and tentacruel so I was thinking about running grass knot instead of protect
But I also have raikou for bulky water types too

Mega sableye: calm mind, will-o-wisp, dark pulse, recover
252 hp 252 defense  
Sableye also throws people off since I can just not mega evolve it and set up with prankster calm mind and then mega evolve and dark pulse everything. If you can predict it sometimes you can get free rocks up too people also sometimes people just status you without thinking. I run will-o-wisp for physical threats. I use dark pulse instead of shadow ball since It doesn't effect normal types at all

Gengar:shadow ball, sludge wave, icy wind, focus blast
Item:choice specs
252 special attack 252 speed
Gengar's moves are all just coverage I was thinking about using dazzling gleam though instead of icy wind to better cover up my dragon weakness.

Riakou: Thunder bolt, volt switch, hp ice, shadow ball
Item:choice scarf 
252 special attack 252 speed
Raikou's moves are also for coverage thunder bolt to hit anything that doesn't resist it, volt switch for a pivot, hp ice for ground types, and shadow ball to revenge kill scarfed Gengar or anything that resists electric

Should I run choice specs on raikou? The only thing I'm scared of if I do is scarfed keldeo and scarfed gengar.
The last Pokemon I use I would like to resist dark or fairy since I don't have much to take those out but dark is a priory over fairy since I have sludge wave on Gengar.  
My play style is pretty offensively based but I'm willing to play defensively when need be.
Before I can help you, I shall direct you to this post: How to make an RMT

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