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As the title states, I'm looking for a Aromatisse to help complete the kalos Dex, I don't have any super great pokemon for trade so I'm not sure what would be fair.  I have lots of Fenniken and a few other starters so maybe those.
@Honest Doodle I can trade you a Spritzee holding a Sachet if you want, it doesn't matter just give me any pokemon you have. Smile
@LegenDFairy Hey sorry I got super caught up in work yesterday!  if you are still willing to trade that would be awesome! and would you want the Sachet back? I dont know how rare those are so I would be more that willing to send it back with another pokemon.
@Honest Doodle Don't worry you can keep it. And I'm online right now. Smile
@LegenDFairy Sweet, Thank you so much I will be on in just a few and I'll add you in a minute!
@Honest Doodle  My IGN is Ale, send me Trade request. :D
Thank you so much!! One more step towards a full National Dex!

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