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[DISCUSSION] Chansey breeding question
OK, this may sound really stupid, but is it possible for a Chansey knowing Seismic Toss to pass it on to offspring? I know Mawile can pass Seismic Toss to Chansey, I just don't know if Chansey is able to pass it on as Bulbapedia says nothing about Chansey being able to pass on Seismic Toss.
Yes. If Chansey (parent) knows Seismic Toss, when you breed that chansey(parent) the new  chansey(child/egg) will know Seismic Toss
Spreedsheet of Friend safaris Here =)
Ok thank you  :D
@"ShinyJigglypuff" I use Pokemon Database when I'm breeding. Not only does it show all the moves a pokemon can learn, you can also find out what Pokemon you need to breed together to get an egg move. It also pulls up nicely on a phone.

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