The plan is you trade me any junk pokemon you don't want back, then after the Haunter evolves we trade back the Gengar for the pokemon you choose you want!
For your troubles i'm offering one of the following:
A pokemon with pokerus
[4iv Eevee with pokerus]
3iv Ditto
A. [hp,sp atk, sp def]
B. [atk, sp def, speed]
C. [hp, def, speed]
D. [hp, sp atk, speed]
[random litter of 11]
Any other you might need for filling your pokedex
Just reply below with what you might need!!!
For your troubles i'm offering one of the following:
A pokemon with pokerus
[4iv Eevee with pokerus]
3iv Ditto
A. [hp,sp atk, sp def]
B. [atk, sp def, speed]
C. [hp, def, speed]
D. [hp, sp atk, speed]
[random litter of 11]
Any other you might need for filling your pokedex
Just reply below with what you might need!!!