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Redeem your pokemon
@TheAlmightySancho thank you for explaining i got it! i'll follow the other thread with interest and will ask my pokemon then
@moo311 thank you for doing this thats very cool btw Smile
see you
@moo311 darn, I'm so sorry, I was super busy that day and I fell asleep on the keyboard. I'll try to matchup with your time again soon.
@Zorcario No problem. I should be free almost all day Saturday Smile
(May 10, 2017, 03:41 AM)moo311 Wrote: @Zorcario No problem. I should be free almost all day Saturday Smile

Hi! Im online now finally, if we can trade now @moo311
@eisenaudi14 How about 7 AM EST?
(May 10, 2017, 01:31 PM)moo311 Wrote: @eisenaudi14 How about 7 AM EST?

How about now??, I'm available now
@eisenaudi14 So is 7 AM EST good or not?
(May 10, 2017, 02:54 PM)moo311 Wrote: @eisenaudi14 So is 7 AM EST good or not?

Okay theen
@WasabiKyogre Do you want to stick with the same time for tomorrow, Friday, or switch the time, day or both? Also, what's your FC?
@eisenaudi14 Do you want to stick with the same time for tomorrow, Friday, or switch the time, day or both?
(May 11, 2017, 04:07 AM)moo311 Wrote: @WasabiKyogre Do you want to stick with the same time for tomorrow, Friday, or switch the time, day or both? Also, what's your FC?
@eisenaudi14 Do you want to stick with the same time for tomorrow, Friday, or switch the time, day or both?

I think saturday is better cause friday i need to get oit of town

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