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[SHINY] Currently Open Shiny Celebi Give Away (they aren't legit btw)
Enjoy @Sun Juan
                                        I ΔM DŌVΛ
Hey @Dova can I have one of these Celebi pls? 

PKM Dep: Inkay, M, lvl 1, pokeball. Message: "Hi! would yu like to trade?"
(Feb 3, 2018, 12:20 PM)framor93 Wrote: Hey @Dova can I have one of these Celebi pls? 

PKM Dep: Inkay, M, lvl 1, pokeball. Message: "Hi! would yu like to trade?"

Yeah, bit not right now. Also, as Ive stated 5 times already these are direct trades bc the GTS wont let me trade these. Right now Im getting the mons for my larger givw away and have to trade them over @framor93
                                        I ΔM DŌVΛ
(Jan 30, 2018, 09:27 PM)Dova Wrote: What is up PokemonForever, its Dova here and I have been dying to do a giveaway and while this isnt the bigger project Ive been hyped for this is something smaller to satisfy my desire to give things away. First things first I must bring up that these are NOT LEGIT but have been made through a series of gen two glitches (allowed online). Thay are level 63 with only one move, Giga Drain.  My new made friend on G+ Jeamus123 hooked me up so a big thanks to him. We will need to do a direct trade, probably. 
Rep is awesome if you liked you mon, but you dont have too
watch them not be GTS legal...

hey, im new here (but not new to Pokemon) is it ok if we GTS? if so, ill deposit one of my battle Metagross. name is Josh, asking for Celebi (obvs)
never mind, i just saw your post on not being able to deposit them in the GTS, just friend me instead and we'll link trade
(Feb 3, 2018, 11:31 PM)SalamenceSniper Wrote: never mind, i just saw your post on not being able to deposit them in the GTS, just friend me instead and we'll link trade
@SalamenceSniper  Hi, and welcome to the community! I can get you later, Im not really able to trade rn. Sorry I took so long to reply.
                                        I ΔM DŌVΛ
@SalamenceSniper whenever youre ready we can trade!
                                        I ΔM DŌVΛ
(Jan 30, 2018, 09:27 PM)Dova Wrote: What is up PokemonForever, its Dova here and I have been dying to do a giveaway and while this isnt the bigger project Ive been hyped for this is something smaller to satisfy my desire to give things away. First things first I must bring up that these are NOT LEGIT but have been made through a series of gen two glitches (allowed online). Thay are level 63 with only one move, Giga Drain.  My new made friend on G+ Jeamus123 hooked me up so a big thanks to him. We will need to do a direct trade, probably. 
Rep is awesome if you liked you mon, but you dont have too
watch them not be GTS legal...

Hi my FC is 3626-3045-2628 and my IGN is Karl Marx. I'm not too sure how these work, so I might be doing this wrong! Thanks!
oh, sorry Dova, i went away for a short holiday and i expected you to accept me before i left... sorry i couldnt get it!
@TedCruzTruZodiac  @SalamenceSniper  Pm me about it.
                                        I ΔM DŌVΛ

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