@Planet_Azumarill that works great when you wanna trade?
@Hojunhu actually i was kinda only interested in 7gen pokemon :p but if thst psyducks got some good ivs i might be interested?
@Rina id be more then happy with the gold bottle cap ill make those 3 up for you, when works?
@Cubillax lol ill take both jangmoos if thatd work :p was having trouble deciding
@Hojunhu actually i was kinda only interested in 7gen pokemon :p but if thst psyducks got some good ivs i might be interested?
@Rina id be more then happy with the gold bottle cap ill make those 3 up for you, when works?
@Cubillax lol ill take both jangmoos if thatd work :p was having trouble deciding