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[SHOP OPEN] HA Outlet: The Premier Hidden Ability Shop! ~ New FC!! For Returning Customers ~
@Eugenio I saw your post, and I can help you out. Give me five minutes and I can trade you an Espurr in a Luxury ball with its HA.

- 0kamii
Amethyst Ωmega - Guild Leader/Founder 
@Eugenio idk if mines in a love ball so I suppose if @0kamii already has one ready be my guest :p
@wartty, thanks either way.

I've messaged Okamii already.
@Eugenio you guys get that all figured out?
@wartty, yep.
Hey! Can u get me a Female HA mudkip? :D In a special ball would be a bonus! 

I can offer a 
  • Fastball HA phanpy with Fissure, Heavy slam , Play rough, Ice shard
  • Friendball HA machop with Knock off, Bullet punch, Fire punch, Ice punch
  • Heavyball HA shinx with Eerie impulse, Thunder Fang , Ice fang , Quick attack
  • Moonball HA solosis with Astonish, Confuse ray , Acid Armor, Imprison
 If nothing interests you then ill just offer a rare candy ^^
Hello, I'm interested in Morelull & Bruxish with their HA.
Also I wanted to ask, do you have an Almomola with HA?
Also it would be nice if they could be in a pokeball, duskball, ultraball or apricocoball.

I can offer Shinies or pokemon in rare balls. Tell me what you're interested in and I'll write you a list
@Rexieh fast ball phanpy sounds good Smile thank you for typing out the list right off the bat rather then me having to request it :D if your still online I could do the trade right now?
@"MissCandy1994" welcome back :D lol yes I have all that you desire ~ I believe I have them all in apricorn balls as well ;D wanna give me a lil list of some of the more uncommon rareball mons you got?
@wartty Thanks Smile
Here's my list:
- Eevee, Chikorita, Growlithe in a friendball
- Ninetales, Jumpluff, Toxapex, Alakazam, Glaceon, Sentret, Clamperl, Marill, Ralts, Goomy, Cutiefly, Cottonnee, Stufful, Sableye, Buneary, Alolan Vulpix, Salandit, Eevee in a loveball
- Growlithe, Cyndaquil in a levelball
- Lapras, Venonat, Teddiursa, Cubone, Deino, Roselia, Ralts, Sandygast, Riolu, Gligar, Eevee, Houndour, Mimikyu in a moonball
- Aegislash in a fastball
- Honedge, Sandshrew, Roggenrola, Skarmory, Koffing in a heavyball
- Shellder in a lureball

Heh you're welcome xp
Just let me get that phanpy ready and ill be good to trade! We'll be link trading yes?

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