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[SHOP OPEN] HA Outlet: The Premier Hidden Ability Shop! ~ New FC!! For Returning Customers ~
(Jun 29, 2017, 12:09 AM)wartty Wrote: @iimlF4nT4Sy I can happily help you with both :D was just breeding a tangela actually do you want normal pokeball or friendball?
Friendball if you can and thx
@iimlF4nT4Sy omg I'm sorry I totally forgot to tell you your tangela ready!! You free now?
@wartty almost im currently traiding im finished in 10 min or something
@iimlF4nT4Sy Kay I'm so sorry Dx
@wartty hey man i posted a thread about a needing a HA tyrunt, didnt know this thread existed Dodgy
anyways, i just got a metagrossite for you, so if you have one it yours Heart

i can breed it for better ivs/natures myself, but if you already have one ready i will take it.

EDIT: this trade will be on sun/moon

EDIT V2: just added your FC
Hey wartty, as you will know im interested in a HA Shelmet and HA Tyrunt, i can offer this 
  • HA shiny Gyarados in Premier ball
  • HA shiny Venasaur in Master ball
  • shiny Florges in Dark ball
If you are not interested in those pokemon i can give you some rare candys
Do you have an HA Feebas? Would you trade it for an HA Tyrogue or an HA Dratini?
I'm back again.
i can get you a HA Feebas if you want
Hey wartty, I've put a post on requesting for a HA (Protean) Froakie/Frogadier/Greninja.
I can offer either:
- HA Articuno
- HA Moltres
- HA Zapdos

(If u have HA (Protean) Froakie/Frogadier/Greninja )

Let me know if u are intrested or not.
(Jul 5, 2017, 07:44 PM)MaximumDarkness Wrote: Hey wartty, I've put a post on requesting for a HA (Protean) Froakie/Frogadier/Greninja.
I can offer either:
- HA Articuno
- HA Moltres
- HA Zapdos

(If u have HA (Protean) Froakie/Frogadier/Greninja )

Let me know if u are intrested or not.

hey MaximumDarkness, i have one timid 5IVs protean froakie if you want

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