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[SHOP OPEN] Regret's Trade Shop- Rare Events, Shinies, Competitive
Do you clone? I have a Shiny Bold Feebas in a Love Ball with Haze, Mist, Brine, and Mirror Coat with 4IVs (missing HP and Attack) and a Shiny Jolly Togedemaru in a Nest Ball with Fake Out and Encore.
Hi! im looking for a trusted cloner to clone my shiny seviper and 2 pokemon (1 gen 6 and 1 gen 7) with happy hour
(Nov 6, 2017, 05:46 PM)Jebedex Wrote: Do you clone? I have a Shiny Bold Feebas in a Love Ball with Haze, Mist, Brine, and Mirror Coat with 4IVs (missing HP and Attack) and a Shiny Jolly Togedemaru in a Nest Ball with Fake Out and Encore.

i do clone, but if it also interests me / someonething else is being offered. For non events, I take 4em/HA, so let me know if they fit that and if i odnt already have it on my list, then yes. Otherwise feelf ree to offer a deal.
(Nov 7, 2017, 07:59 AM)Sorianwarrior Wrote: Hi! im looking for a trusted cloner to clone my shiny seviper and 2 pokemon (1 gen 6 and 1 gen 7) with happy hour

same as above
hi, do u have these pokemon ?

Oaks Rotom,Almia Darkrai,Oblivia Shaymin,Ray's Metagross,Pokemon Rock Metang,All 4 Expo,Yamamoto Kingdra and Politoed event,iris axew,vgc2012 larvitar
(Nov 11, 2017, 09:27 PM)Drangor2 Wrote: hi, do u have these pokemon ?

Oaks Rotom,Almia Darkrai,Oblivia Shaymin,Ray's Metagross,Pokemon Rock Metang,All 4 Expo,Yamamoto Kingdra and Politoed event,iris axew,vgc2012 larvitar

Looks like it. Feel free to look at my list yourself otherwise
If legit :

Oaks Rotom

Almia Darkrai

Oblivia Shaymin

Ray's Metagross

Pokemon Rock Metang

Yamamoto Kingdra

Politoed event

iris axew

vgc2012 larvitar

For these 9 ?

Lucario 170715 Fra > 03/08/17
Vulpix Alola 161201 Fra > 20/12/16
Vulpix Alola 161201 Spa > 31/12/16
Diglett Alola 170502 Eng > 12/05/17
Grimer Alola 170502 Kor > 05/05/17
Magearna 22,15/Spa
Magaerna Kor 12/16
Tapukoko 170428 Spa > 04/05/17
Charizard 565640 Kor > 24/03/17
(Nov 14, 2017, 08:04 PM)Drangor2 Wrote: If legit :

Oaks Rotom

Almia Darkrai

Oblivia Shaymin

Ray's Metagross

Pokemon Rock Metang

Yamamoto Kingdra

Politoed event

iris axew

vgc2012 larvitar

For these 9 ?

Lucario 170715 Fra > 03/08/17
Vulpix Alola 161201 Fra > 20/12/16
Vulpix Alola 161201 Spa > 31/12/16
Diglett Alola 170502 Eng > 12/05/17
Grimer Alola 170502 Kor > 05/05/17
Magearna 22,15/Spa
Magaerna Kor 12/16
Tapukoko 170428 Spa > 04/05/17
Charizard 565640 Kor > 24/03/17

I am guessing you are Skydrago9 on gamefaqs? I accepted the trade, you just didnt reply again.
regret, 1263-7455-0822

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