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[SMOGON] Allegro's Battling Blog
Hi everyone! This is my new thread! Here I will post many different entries about Competitive Pokemon, Battles, and how I feel about the Smogon Metagame. Sorry to all of you VGC Players, but VGC won't be covered in this blog. Leave support by giving some feedback and joining the discussion. This is kind of a revival of The Allegro Show, which ran for one "episode." This blog will be an even better version and will include a variety of segments. The list below is a (slowly updated) schedule of my future posts and what they will cover! Please note that all of the segments/articles will be slowly posted overtime on the days specified. It takes some time to edit/perfect each segment.


October 7th/8th/9th 2016 Segments:
  • Stall Teams: Good Or Bad? (Main Article) [Posted]
  • Best Geneneration 1 Pokemon (Competitively) [In Progress]
  • Battle of the Week! [In Progress]
  • UU Breakdown [In Progress]
  • [UPDATE] Tauros Analysis: Why Didn't I Do This? [In Progress]
Shimono Hiro!

Main Article (10/7/16 and 10/8/16):
Stall Teams - Good or Bad?

Yes I did use Comic Sans! The focus of this article is of course, Stall Teams. Stall Teams are disliked by many competitive players, due to the fact that stall teams are tough to damage and take out. Before we examine Stall Teams further, we must understand what a Stall Team really is! This will be a pretty lengthy post, so sit back and eat a Rage Candy Bar! Also, if you don't understand why Sableye is pictured below, you will later!
The Article is Split into the Following Parts:

What are Stall Teams?
Stall Team Example
Conclusion: Good or Bad?

[Image: mega_sableye_by_laynard-d7lyzzr.png]

What are Stall Teams?

The point of a stall team is to basically wall attacks from attackers, and then to take out the opposing team slowly using the following types of moves: Status Moves/Disruptive Moves/Countering Moves. Even though running a stall team is a very "low" thing to do, Stall Teams are efficient and effective. The members of a Stall Team are compose of Walls, Hazard Setters or Removers, and counters to common types and Wallbreakers. The types used for defensive and special walls are usually just that, defensive and special defensive typings. The most common typings are the following:
  • Steel
  • Ground
  • Grass
  • Psychic
  • Normal

Stall Team Example!
A better way of understanding a stall team is to examine one for ourselves. You don't need to read this part if you understand Stall Team Moves and Strats. This is an example stall team composed of Six Common Stall Team Pokemon:

[Image: 302.gif] [Image: 073.gif] [Image: 385.gif] [Image: 113.gif] [Image: 080.gif] [Image: 036.gif]

We are going to go over each team member briefly. Also, pay attention to the types of moves each member uses:
  1. Sableye: A fundamental stall team member. Mega-Sableye is described by many Stall Team users as the only Mega you should have on a Stall team. Sableye is used to give Status (particularly Burn) to opposing Pokemon, to deflect Statuses, and to take out Heavy-hitting Physical Attackers with Foul Play. The main use is of course, to wall attacks with its great defense stats and the move Recover. Sableye can use Knock Off to remove the opposing Pokemon's Item.
  2. Tentacruel: Is used to set up hazards and dish out Status Effects. Tentacruel is able to give opposing 'mons Burn and Poison using Scald and Toxic Spikes respectively. Tentacruel also has a place on this team, because it can remove hazards using Rapid Spin. A great strategy is to use with Tentacruel is to use Acid Spray. Acid spray has a 100% chance to lower a Pokemon's Special Defense Stat.
  3. Jirachi: To be honest, Jirachi's purpose is to just counter Fairy-Types like Gardevoir. Jirachi has Iron Head, a strong Steel-Type move. Jirachi also has utility, since it has access to Wish/Protect/Stealth Rock. These moves are great for Healing and Protecting the team. In Stealth Rock's case, it can wear down Pokemon switching in (aka OP Talonflame.)
  4. Chansey: Chansey is a common Wall/Cleric used on many teams other than Stall. It dishes out Poison using Toxic, the most simple way to give Poison away to opponents. Soft-Boiled and Heal Bell are used to heal Chansey, and to cure all status ailments on the team. Seismic Toss is a good coverage move. Eviolite is given to Chansey to further increase its Defensive Stats. This makes Chansey an amazing wall to add to this team.
  5. Slowbro:
    Slowbro @ Leftovers
    Ability: Regenerator
    EVs: 252 HP / 232 Def / 24 SpD
    Bold Nature
    IVs: 0 Atk
    - Scald
    - Slack Off
    - Toxic
    - Psyshock
    Enough Said...
  6. Clefable: Clefable is a High-Ranked OU Defensive Wall/Cleric that uses many moves and strategies as the previous Pokemon. The moveset looks like this:
    - Moonblast
    - Toxic
    - Wish
    - Protect
    These moves (bar Moonblast) are on many Stall 'Mons, because they can heal up the team in their time of need, and help annoy the opponent where their Pokemon can be taken out better. Clefable is a staple in OU and Stall Teams in general, so if you want to build a stall team, you should actually use this team in fact. However, in the future, I will make an Advanced Tutorial for Team Building in the Competitive Pokemon Discussion Forum. Finally, here is the conclusion, Are Stall Teams good or bad? And before that, let us view a Random Comic during this "Commercial Break."

Random Comic Time
[Image: tardy-slowpoke.gif]

Stall Teams - Good or Bad?
[Image: 470.gif]
Now it is time for what you people came for. At the end of the day, you can have your own opinion about Stall Teams, but like a lot of Competitive Battlers say when giving advice, making a team that is part of your playstyle is the easiest way to make teams. To all of you Stall Haters, I will give you this to think about.
If you love competitive battling, have "almost no skill" as you people call it, and want an efficient type of team to run, is Stall not the easiest to choose? I mean when you dig it up, Stall Teams are probably some of the most efficient and consistent. In my honest opinion, Stall Teams are great. A lot of Stall Pokemon are used on other types of teams because they are efficient and work well together with other Pokemon.
They're just like those people in school who you hate in general, but they work well with you during projects (aka me lol). But seriously, Stall is used for a reason. Anyone could literally talk trash about any team type and people would agree and disagree. I mean, I could diss Hyper Offense Teams right now and half of you would be like:
"What is wrong with Hyper Offense you piece of Human Trash! You mediocre...."
[Image: 504.gif]
[Image: 505.gif]

But seriously, Stall is good if you think it is, and stall is bad if you think it is. Thanks for reading the main article. The rest of the articles will be finished by tomorrow most likely. You might have to scroll down past some comments. All articles/segments will be marked with either "Main Article" or Segment Number (Whatever). Leave your thoughts below!

Shimono Hiro!

Segment #2 (10/7/16 and 10/8/16)
Best (Competitive) 1st Gen Pokemon by Tier
Uber to NU

We're going to start this list off with the Best Uber Tier 1st Gen Mon
Uber Tier: Best First Gen Mon
Mega Gengar!
(Runner-Ups: Mega-Kangaskhan/Mewtwo
[Image: 094-mega.gif]

Gengar Basics
Type: Ghost / Poison
Weaknesses: Ghost (x2) / Dark (x2) / Psychic (x2)
Resistances: Poison (x1/4)/ Bug (x1/4) / Grass (x1/2) / Fairy (x1/2)
Immunities: Normal / Fighting / Ground
Leviate (Gengar):
"This Pokemon is immune to Ground-type moves."
Shadow Tag (Mega-Gengar):
"Traps opponents. Does not affect Pokemon with Shadow Tag."

My Favorite Moveset for (Mega-Gengar)
Gengar @ Gengarite
Ability: Levitate
EVs: 4 HP / 252 SpA / 252 Spe
Timid Nature
- Hex
- Focus Blast
- Protect
- Will-O-Wisp
I bet there will be someone out there that will say:
"You just copied that set off of Smogon you Uncreative Muk." -Blooregard

[Image: 101.png]

To that I say, if it isn't broken, don't fix it... you Grimer.
Explanation: Mega Gengar deserves this spot, because it is one of the most powerful Uber Pokemon from First Gen, that is wonderful design-wise and competitively. Shadow Tag is definitely a great ability for Mega Gengar, as it makes it possible for Mega Gengar to trap Pokemon it can knock out or set up on easily. Gengar's movepool allows it to cripple and knock out Pokemon in 2 turns (if you use the Will-o-wisp and Hex combo.) Gengar has been a fan favorite since Generation One, and its Mega Evolution makes it much more of a beast. I also debated between Kangaskhan and Mewtwo, but if I had to choose a Pokemon that defines what Mega Evolution, Fan Favorites, Great Competititive Uses, and First Gen mean, Gengar is what came to my mind. But now we are going to go over my pick for the Best First Gen Pokemon in the OU Tier (It isn't Gengar, trust me.)

OU Tier: Best First Gen Mon
(Runner Ups: Mega Charizard X/Y,Mega Venusaur, and Slowbro)
[Image: 036.gif]

Clefable Basics
Type: Fairy
Weaknesses: Poison (x2) / Steel (x2)
Resistances: Dark (x1/2) / Fighting (x1/2) / Bug (x1/2)
Immunities: Dragon (x0)
Cute Charm:
"Can infatuate Pokemon of opposite gender when struck."
Magic Guard:
"Prevents indirect Damage."
(Hidden Ability) Unaware:
"Ignores stat boosts and debuffs on other Pokemon."

My Favorite Moveset for (Clefable)
Clefable @ Leftovers
Ability: Magic Guard
EVs: 252 HP / 172 Def / 84 SpD
Calm Nature
- Calm Mind
- Moonblast
- Soft-Boiled
- Thunder Wave

Explanation: Clefable is a great OU Wall/Special Attacker that has a great competitive movepool that can disrupt the opponent, but can also wall Special Attacks that the opponent dishes out. Clefable also has Special Attacks of its own that make it a threat. Due to its many uses and impressive defenses, Clefable is labeled by Smogon as being in the top ranks of the OU tier, and I agree with them. There are so many Clefable sets, and Clefable's abilities give it so much variety. Gengar is coincidentally (theorized) as being the shadow of Clefable. Beside that, Clefable has great potential of being a tier-defining Pokemon that can be used on many different teams (*Stall*). I chose Clefable, because it isn't what people usually pick. Some people will be like:
"Charizard is obviously the best Pokemon in the game Allegro, what!!!?" -ScalyThugAnime77
[Image: 553.png]
"What!? Mew is the best OU First Gen Mon you Human Igloo!" - PepeLePoli06
[Image: 186.png]
Now I'll discuss the best 1st Gen UU Mon!

UU Tier: Best First Gen Mon
(Runner Ups: Mega Blastoise / Tentacruel / Arcanine)
[Image: 031.gif]
Nidoqueen Basics
Type: Poison / Ground
Weaknesses: Water (x2) / Ice (x2) / Ground (x2) / Psychic (x2)
Resistances: Fighting / Poison / Bug / Rock / Fairy
Immunities: Electric
Poison Point:
"Contact with the Pokémon may poison the attacker."
"Deals more damage to a Pokémon of same gender."
Hidden Ability:
Sheer Force:
"Sheer Force increases the power of moves that have beneficial secondary effects by 30%, but removes those additional effects."

My Favorite Moveset for (Nidoqueen)
Nidoqueen @ Life Orb
Ability: Sheer Force
EVs: 180 HP / 252 SpA / 76 Spe
Modest Nature
- Earth Power
- Ice Beam
- Stealth Rock
- Toxic Spikes

Explanation: Nidoqueen has its spot in UU as a Defensive Hazard Setter, and an Offensive Hazard Setter. Nidoqueen performs both of these tasks well, and it can both Status an opponent with Poison-Type Moves, and take them out with its greay Special Attacks. A bunch of you people will say that Tentacruel is better at this, but it doesn't have as much coverage as Nidoqueen does. Nidoqueen is a popular First Gen Mon that is also one of the toughest UU mons in Smogon right now. Yes it can be easily taken down, but in the end, Nidqueen doesn't go down without a fight (hopefully.) Other than that, there isn't much to say about the Mother of Poison Types...
"You haven't done any Physical Attackers yet Allegro. Why haven't you d...." -RunicHonchkrow
[Image: 430.png]

Fine! I will get to it! In the next Pokemon, in RU.

RU Tier: Best First Gen Mon
(Runner Ups: Scrafty / Cincinno / Qwilfish / Cofagrigus)
[Image: 106.gif]
Honestly Hitmonlee's 6th Gen Sprite is Trash

"You're Sprite is trash Allegro, Hitmonlee gets more attention than you'll ever get." -Zqueab

[Image: 332.gif]
I will use your own Cactus arms to choke you...
But anyway, on to Hitmonlee Basics!

Hitmonlee Basics
Type: Fighting
Weaknesses: Psychic / Fairy / Flying
Resistances: Bug / Rock / Dark
Immunities: None
"The Pokémon is protected from paralysis."
"Powers up moves that have recoil damage."
Hidden Ability:
"Raises Speed if a held item is used."

My Favorite Moveset for (Hitmonlee Strawberry Kiwilee)
Hitmonlee @ Choice Scarf
Ability: Reckless
EVs: 252 Atk / 4 Def / 252 Spe
Jolly Nature
- High Jump Kick
- Knock Off
- Stone Edge
- Rapid Spin
This moveset literally makes me feel like this when I see it:
"Wow, Literally Mienshao, but with Rapid Spin! Still great though!"
[Image: 038.gif]

Explanation: Hitmonlee is on a lot of RU Teams I see on Showdown, but there is a good reason for it. Hitmonlee is a fast Physical Attacker, that is the Mienshao of this tier. It has great coverage and can counter its own weaknesses, except for Fairy. Hitmonlee has some resistances that are good to have. They can be used to block attacks for Pokemon that are weak to them. It has great synergy with many RU Pokemon, there are a good amount of fighting types in RU, but none are used as much as Hitmonlee. Hitmonlee is a Pokemon no one should forget from Gen 1.
"Why has this gone from a Ranked List to a mediocre unfunny Pokemon Version of LeafyIsHere." - Ully

[Image: 184.png]
"Wh-wh-what!? Allegro isn't copying me! L-LeafeonIsHere...
[Image: 470.gif]

Finally it is time for NU!

NU Tier: Best Gen 1 Mon
(Runner-Ups: Charizard / Kangaskhan / Rhydon)
[Image: 139.gif]
Before I explain Omastar Basics, let me say one thing:
"I am serious if one person makes a Hitler Helix Joke everyone will be triggered like a Pistol..."
[Image: 038.png]

One Comment Later in Madagascar State High School...
"Hail Helix!"

[Image: 379.png]

Omastar Basics
Weaknesses: Electric / Grass / Fighting / Ground
Resistances: Normal / Ice / Fire / Poison / Flying
Immunities: None
Shell Armor:
"Shell Armor prevents the Pokémon from receiving a critical hit."
Swift Swim:
"Swift Swim doubles the ability-bearer's Speed during rain."
Hidden Ability:
Weak Armor:
"When a Pokémon with Weak Armor is hit by a physical move, its Defense drops one stage, but its Speed increases by one stage"

My Two Favorite Moveset for (Omastar)
1) Omastar @ Shuca Berry
Ability: Swift Swim
EVs: 252 SpA / 4 SpD / 252 Spe
Modest Nature
- Shell Smash
- Surf
- Ice Beam
- Hidden Power Grass
2) Omastar @ Leftovers
Ability: Shell Armor
EVs: 248 HP / 252 Def / 8 SpD
Bold Nature
- Stealth Rock
- Toxic Spikes
- Scald
- Icy Wind
"Hold up! Do you like Omastar that much? You Biased D....!" - Munit501

[Image: 089.gif]
"Dear Munit501, Yes I do."

Explanation: Omastar, like Nidoqueen, is great as a Special Attacker, but also as a Defensive Hazard Setter. Omastar is one Pokemon in my Top 40 Pokemon to use in Competitive Battling. The Shell Smash set can destroy opposing Pokemon when used correct. Also, the defensive set is great for defending your teammates by switching in. Omastar and Kabutops are two of the best Fossil Pokemon, but my award for NU Tier: Best First Gen Mon, goes to the Helix Overlord himself, Omastar. It has great competitive capabilities (illiteration yay). Omastar is the best for last. Lol Biased to Omastar....

Allegro: "That's it for this list, but check back later for the next article later. There are 3 more Articles left for this week. Then I will get back into Competitive Builds afterwards."
[Image: 038.gif]
Leafy: If you leave a reply or give some rep, you will literally receive Safety Goggles. This is not a scam. If you are in your house, look under the nearest pillow. If you are at work, look inside of the nearest Coffee Mug!"

[Image: 470.gif]

Shimono Hiro!

"Leafy: If you leave a reply or give some rep, you will literally receive Safety Goggles. This is not a scam. If you are in your house, look under the nearest pillow. If you are at work, look inside of the nearest Coffee Mug!"

A-are you serious? Only Leafy fans will get this xD (btw you are now my best friend)
Money cannot buy happiness, but somehow, it's more comfortable to cry in a Mercedes Benz than a bicycle.

Previously Known as MistressGlaceon

uwu i can hacku
This is a "short" List of "Characters" that will recurringly appear in my Articles. More will be added in the future.

The Characters

(Me) Allegro
[Image: 038.png]
[Image: 470.gif]
Meme King
[Image: 697.gif]
[Image: 471.gif]
Seto Kaiba
[Image: 635.gif]
Yami Bakura
[Image: 354.gif]
[Image: 089.gif]
Snooty Krookodile
[Image: 553.png]
Prank Youtuber
[Image: 097.png]
Pokemon GO Player
[Image: 556.png]
[Image: 430.png]
[Image: 106.png]
[Image: 542.png]
Forum Warrior
[Image: 589.gif]
[Image: 541.gif]
[Image: 428.png]
[Image: 205.png]
[Image: 563.gif]
[Image: 282-mega.gif]
Angry Mob
[Image: 504.gif]
Sarcastic Purrloin
[Image: 509.gif]
Hail Helix
[Image: 379.png]
Secret Agent
[Image: 693.gif]

Hippopotamus Boi & Lit Girl
[Image: 449.png] [Image: 607.gif]
Shimono Hiro!

why am I here
(Oct 7, 2016, 07:34 AM)Elly Wrote: why am I here
This is my new project, which is a mix of actual information and LeafyIsHere-type Character Lines...
Shimono Hiro!

(Oct 7, 2016, 07:34 AM)Elly Wrote: why am I here

Why wouldn't you be?
Money cannot buy happiness, but somehow, it's more comfortable to cry in a Mercedes Benz than a bicycle.

Previously Known as MistressGlaceon

uwu i can hacku
This is great, +1!
Very interesting and informative read imo. Keep it up, looking forward to the next articles.
(Oct 7, 2016, 08:01 AM)Vinnie050 Wrote: This is great, +1!
Very interesting and informative read imo. Keep it up, looking forward to the next articles.
Yeah, the next article will be Battle of the Week, where I find a random battle and review it basically. It will be a shorter article, but these articles take about an hour or two to make, so it will be a nice change of pace.
Shimono Hiro!


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