Hope you guys enjoy this build, if you have any questions ask them below and I'll make sure to answer them (or try to).

, (X0,5)
Keen Eye: Opponent cannot lower this Pokémon’s accuracy. The Pokémon ignores evasion boosts of the opponent.
Sand Rush: Speed is doubled within a sandstorm.
Hidden Ability:
Steadfast: Speed raises by one level every time the Pokémon flinches.
Base stats: 75 HP / 115 Attack / 65 Defense / 55 Special Attack / 65 Special Defense / 112 Speed
woof woof
the sets
1. Suicide Lead

Lycanroc @ Focus Sash
Ability: Sand Rush
EVs: 252 Atk / 4 SpD / 252 Spe
Jolly Nature
- Stealth Rock
- Taunt
- Stone Edge/Accelerock
- Toxic
While not being an incredible Pokémon by any means, notably because of its pitiful defenses, Lycanroc-Midday still has a few niches that allow it to be an effective Pokémon in the OU metagame. The first set I will talk about is the offensive Stealth Rock set. While its movepool is fairly limited, it still has access to a few very useful moves that allows it to be a very unique choice; it has a priority move in Accelerock, which is very unusual on suicide leads. Also, if we compare it to Nihilego, another common suicide lead in pre-Pokébank OU, it has access to Taunt, which makes it overall more useful, and is faster than Nihilego, boasting an impressive 112 base Speed stat, while it is not as strong as Nihilego. Stealth Rock is the most important move for this set, as it makes the opposing team take chip damage during the whole match, making KOs easier to score with previous Stealth Rock damage. Taunt is very useful as it allows it to prevent hazards from the opposing team, which is especially useful on the very offensive teams you'll usually find Lyncanroc on. For the offensive move, these are, in my opinion the two best options: Accelerock and Stone Edge. Accelerock is useful because of its priority, so chip damage on the opposing Pokémon (such as Mamoswine with Ice Shard) is pretty much guaranteed. On the other hand, Stone Edge hits a lot harder, and you will outspeed most things anyways; just watch out for priority. Finally, Toxic is useful to get chip damage on an opposing Pokémon during the whole game, and it can also be used to damage things that would resist rock, such as Ground types. The EVs and a Jolly nature make it as fast as possible, and the rest in dumped into Attack so it can hit decently hard. Using this set is very easy; send it in, Taunt if necessary, set up your rocks, and let it die. While it is called a suicide lead, you don't have to necessarily lead with it; it is usually very predictable, especially on teams with no other potential Stealth Rock user, so the opponent might lead with a Lycanroc counter right away, so you can instead lead with something else to surprise your opponent and put them in a bad position. This set is mostly used on hyper offense, because bulky offense/balance teams will usually pick a bulky hazard setter, but hyper offense appreciates fast Stealth Rockers. The ability honestly doesn't matter since it will set up rocks and die.
2. Swords Dance

Lycanroc @ Life Orb
Ability: Sand Rush
EVs: 252 Atk / 4 SpD / 252 Spe
Jolly Nature
- Swords Dance
- Stone Edge
- Accelerock
- Fire Fang
This set is super fun to use: it is very effective, and yet very easy to use. Lycanroc's decent Attack stat and good Speed stat make it a very potent sweeper with access to Swords Dance, making it a powerful threat. It also has access to priority, so it can KO Pokémon that could outspeed it, which is also very useful. It has a few downfalls though; it is super frail and will die to most hits, and it has a pretty limited movepool, having few good coverage options to get past its checks. Swords Dance makes Lycanroc significantly stronger, making a deadly physical sweeper that can run through unprepared teams. Stone Edge is Lycanroc's main STAB move, dealing a lot of damage to everything that doesn't resist it. Accelerock is another STAB move, but it has priority, allowing it to get past things that would outspeed it, such as Pheromosa, but it is significantly weaker then Stone Edge, and should only be used on frailer or faster Pokémon. Finally, Fire Fang is used to get past Steel types that would wall Lycanroc such as Scizor (though you shouldn't stay in against a Scizor if you don't want to die). This set is very good on both bulky offense and hyper offense as a sweeper, and it is also very good on Sand teams because of its ability Sand Rush, which doubles its speed during sandstorm. If used on a Sand team, an Adamant nature can be used instead of a Jolly nature, but it will be at a disadvantage outside of Sand, so I wouldn't recommend it. The EVs make it as fast and strong as possible to maximize its sweeping potential. This set is especially good late game when the opposing team is weakened because of Lycanroc's teammates and hazards.
good partners
Steel/Ground/Grass/Water/Fighting checks: Lycanroc is weak to those typing, so having checks for them is very useful
Magnezone: Magnezone can trap and KO Steel types, which helps Lycanroc a lot. It can also beat physical walls, which helps the dog a lot.
Tapu Lele: Tapu Lele breaks physical walls for Lycanroc and prevents Scizor from clicking Bullet Punch because of Pyshic Terrain.
Special Wallbreakers: They remove physical walls, which makes sweeps easier for Lycanroc.
Hazard Setter: Lycanroc appreciates hazard support to get more KOs and sweep more easily.
Super Effective Hits: Pretty obvious: super effective=big damage.
Fast Attackers: Faster Pokémon that can lives an Accelerock can outspeed and KO (most likely) Lycanroc.
Physical Walls: Physical walls can sponge Lycanroc's attacks with ease, so be sure to have a good Special Attacker to take care of them.




Keen Eye: Opponent cannot lower this Pokémon’s accuracy. The Pokémon ignores evasion boosts of the opponent.
Sand Rush: Speed is doubled within a sandstorm.
Hidden Ability:
Steadfast: Speed raises by one level every time the Pokémon flinches.
Base stats: 75 HP / 115 Attack / 65 Defense / 55 Special Attack / 65 Special Defense / 112 Speed
woof woof
the sets
1. Suicide Lead

Lycanroc @ Focus Sash
Ability: Sand Rush
EVs: 252 Atk / 4 SpD / 252 Spe
Jolly Nature
- Stealth Rock
- Taunt
- Stone Edge/Accelerock
- Toxic
While not being an incredible Pokémon by any means, notably because of its pitiful defenses, Lycanroc-Midday still has a few niches that allow it to be an effective Pokémon in the OU metagame. The first set I will talk about is the offensive Stealth Rock set. While its movepool is fairly limited, it still has access to a few very useful moves that allows it to be a very unique choice; it has a priority move in Accelerock, which is very unusual on suicide leads. Also, if we compare it to Nihilego, another common suicide lead in pre-Pokébank OU, it has access to Taunt, which makes it overall more useful, and is faster than Nihilego, boasting an impressive 112 base Speed stat, while it is not as strong as Nihilego. Stealth Rock is the most important move for this set, as it makes the opposing team take chip damage during the whole match, making KOs easier to score with previous Stealth Rock damage. Taunt is very useful as it allows it to prevent hazards from the opposing team, which is especially useful on the very offensive teams you'll usually find Lyncanroc on. For the offensive move, these are, in my opinion the two best options: Accelerock and Stone Edge. Accelerock is useful because of its priority, so chip damage on the opposing Pokémon (such as Mamoswine with Ice Shard) is pretty much guaranteed. On the other hand, Stone Edge hits a lot harder, and you will outspeed most things anyways; just watch out for priority. Finally, Toxic is useful to get chip damage on an opposing Pokémon during the whole game, and it can also be used to damage things that would resist rock, such as Ground types. The EVs and a Jolly nature make it as fast as possible, and the rest in dumped into Attack so it can hit decently hard. Using this set is very easy; send it in, Taunt if necessary, set up your rocks, and let it die. While it is called a suicide lead, you don't have to necessarily lead with it; it is usually very predictable, especially on teams with no other potential Stealth Rock user, so the opponent might lead with a Lycanroc counter right away, so you can instead lead with something else to surprise your opponent and put them in a bad position. This set is mostly used on hyper offense, because bulky offense/balance teams will usually pick a bulky hazard setter, but hyper offense appreciates fast Stealth Rockers. The ability honestly doesn't matter since it will set up rocks and die.
2. Swords Dance

Lycanroc @ Life Orb
Ability: Sand Rush
EVs: 252 Atk / 4 SpD / 252 Spe
Jolly Nature
- Swords Dance
- Stone Edge
- Accelerock
- Fire Fang
This set is super fun to use: it is very effective, and yet very easy to use. Lycanroc's decent Attack stat and good Speed stat make it a very potent sweeper with access to Swords Dance, making it a powerful threat. It also has access to priority, so it can KO Pokémon that could outspeed it, which is also very useful. It has a few downfalls though; it is super frail and will die to most hits, and it has a pretty limited movepool, having few good coverage options to get past its checks. Swords Dance makes Lycanroc significantly stronger, making a deadly physical sweeper that can run through unprepared teams. Stone Edge is Lycanroc's main STAB move, dealing a lot of damage to everything that doesn't resist it. Accelerock is another STAB move, but it has priority, allowing it to get past things that would outspeed it, such as Pheromosa, but it is significantly weaker then Stone Edge, and should only be used on frailer or faster Pokémon. Finally, Fire Fang is used to get past Steel types that would wall Lycanroc such as Scizor (though you shouldn't stay in against a Scizor if you don't want to die). This set is very good on both bulky offense and hyper offense as a sweeper, and it is also very good on Sand teams because of its ability Sand Rush, which doubles its speed during sandstorm. If used on a Sand team, an Adamant nature can be used instead of a Jolly nature, but it will be at a disadvantage outside of Sand, so I wouldn't recommend it. The EVs make it as fast and strong as possible to maximize its sweeping potential. This set is especially good late game when the opposing team is weakened because of Lycanroc's teammates and hazards.
good partners
Steel/Ground/Grass/Water/Fighting checks: Lycanroc is weak to those typing, so having checks for them is very useful
Magnezone: Magnezone can trap and KO Steel types, which helps Lycanroc a lot. It can also beat physical walls, which helps the dog a lot.
Tapu Lele: Tapu Lele breaks physical walls for Lycanroc and prevents Scizor from clicking Bullet Punch because of Pyshic Terrain.
Special Wallbreakers: They remove physical walls, which makes sweeps easier for Lycanroc.
Hazard Setter: Lycanroc appreciates hazard support to get more KOs and sweep more easily.
Super Effective Hits: Pretty obvious: super effective=big damage.
Fast Attackers: Faster Pokémon that can lives an Accelerock can outspeed and KO (most likely) Lycanroc.
Physical Walls: Physical walls can sponge Lycanroc's attacks with ease, so be sure to have a good Special Attacker to take care of them.
Hope you guys enjoy this build, if you have any questions ask them below and I'll make sure to answer them (or try to).