Updated with calcs!
Well, I'd never thought I'd ever do a Pelipper build, but here it is:
Hope you guys enjoy this build, if you have any questions ask them below and I'll make sure to answer them (or try to).
Note: I was supposed to post this yesterday, but since I'm a worthless piece of thrash I forgot. Sorry
Well, I'd never thought I'd ever do a Pelipper build, but here it is:

Keen Eye: Opponent cannot lower this Pokémon’s accuracy. The Pokémon ignores evasion boosts of the opponent
Drizzle: Weather changes to Heavy Rain when the Pokémon enters the battle. As of X & Y, this lasts 5 turns.
Hidden Ability:
Rain Dish: If Heavy Rain weather is in effect, recovers 1/16th max Hit Points at the end of the turn.
Base stats: 60 HP / 50 Attack / 100 Defense / 95 Special Attack / 70 Special Defense / 65 Speed
the set
Rain Support

Pelipper @ Damp Rock/Leftovers
Ability: Drizzle
EVs: 248 HP / 252 Def / 8 Sp Def
Bold Nature
- Scald
- Roost
- U-turn
- Knock Off/Toxic/Hurricane/Defog
While it is arguable that Politoed is still the better rain setter because of a few reasons (access to Encore, better HP, Special Defense and Speed, no 4X times weaknesses), Pelipper still has a few niches as a weather setter for Rain teams: to name a few, it has access to both Knock Off and U-Turn, two excellent support moves, reliable recovery in Roost, surprising physical bulk and an immunity to Ground, a very common typing. Because of all of these things, I do believe that Pelipper can be a decent support Pokémon in Singles. Scald is the best STAB move a support Water type can have, because of its combination of decent power and 30% chance to burn (although we all know it's more like 30000% chance to burn). Roost, which is one of the main reason I believe it'll be viable, allows Pelipper to gain back 50% of it's HP to allow it to stay alive longer and thus provide Rain during the whole match if you don't let it die/get predicted. Also, since it then loses the Flying typing, it can eat up some weaker Electric-type moves, such as Hidden Power Electric, from slower Pokémon. U-Turn is a great support move; because of Pelipper's low speed, you can get a slower U-Turn against other U-Turn users and get a favourable matchup very often. It can also U-Turn on predicted switches or eat up a hit, get the slow U-Turn and switch to a powerful threat (like a Swift Swim user, for example) without having to let the threat take any damage. Finally, Knock Off is a generally useful move because it removes items, so you can remove power from big threats or remove the passive recovery of some walls. Another option for the last slot is Toxic, since it can be useful to wear down walls or put set-up sweepers on a timer. Hurricane can be used in this slot because it's powerful and 100% accurate in the rain and it allows it to deal with Grass types. Finally, Defog is a very good option since it allows you to get rid of the hazards, but I wouldn't recommend it if you have a Rapid Spin, since you don't have to remove your hazards with Rapid Spin, unlike Defog. The item depends on what your team needs: if you have a completely Rain-dependent team, you should use Damp Rock to have Rain for an extended time, but if you only use it for 1-2 abusers and your team can function wall without Rain, Leftovers can be useful to gain more health every turn. The EVs are pretty simple, they are there to make it as physically bulky as possible while having an odd HP number to switch into Stealth Rock more times.
Note: Both Knock Off and Defog are unavailable until Pokébank is out.
good partners
Rain Abusers: While most Swift Swim users are not yet available because of Pokébank being released in January, these will be excellent partners to Pelipper since they benefit from the Rain a lot (duh). Electric types also have access to 100% accurate Thunder in the rain, Flying type gain access to 100% accurate Hurricane in the rain, defensive Steel/Grass types enjoy their fire weakness being reduced by the rain. All of these are good partners to Pelipper, and generally useful Pokémon to have on a Rain Team.
Electric Resists: Pelipper is really weak against Electric, so having a partners, such as Ground types, that can take care of those is useful
Rock Resists: While it's not as weak to Rock as it is to Electric, having a good Rock resist is recommended, especially if your team relies on Rain and you need to keep Pelipper alive.
Hazard Control: Pelipper is weak to Stealth Rock, and can only switch in a few times if rocks are up. Having a Defog or Rapid Spin user is heavily recommended.
Kabutops: While it is not available yet because of Pokébank, it deserves a special mention since it has access to Rapid Spin, has the ability Swift Swim and checks Rock types.
Rock and Electric types: Pelipper is weak to those typings, so be careful around those Pokémon.
Walls: Pelipper lacks offensive presence, so common walls often stop Pelipper fairly easily, though Toxic is an decent option that can wear them down.
Strong Special Attackers: While Pelipper has nice physical bulk, its Special Defense is quite average, and it is beaten fairly easily by most special attackers.




Keen Eye: Opponent cannot lower this Pokémon’s accuracy. The Pokémon ignores evasion boosts of the opponent
Drizzle: Weather changes to Heavy Rain when the Pokémon enters the battle. As of X & Y, this lasts 5 turns.
Hidden Ability:
Rain Dish: If Heavy Rain weather is in effect, recovers 1/16th max Hit Points at the end of the turn.
Base stats: 60 HP / 50 Attack / 100 Defense / 95 Special Attack / 70 Special Defense / 65 Speed
the set
Rain Support

Pelipper @ Damp Rock/Leftovers
Ability: Drizzle
EVs: 248 HP / 252 Def / 8 Sp Def
Bold Nature
- Scald
- Roost
- U-turn
- Knock Off/Toxic/Hurricane/Defog
While it is arguable that Politoed is still the better rain setter because of a few reasons (access to Encore, better HP, Special Defense and Speed, no 4X times weaknesses), Pelipper still has a few niches as a weather setter for Rain teams: to name a few, it has access to both Knock Off and U-Turn, two excellent support moves, reliable recovery in Roost, surprising physical bulk and an immunity to Ground, a very common typing. Because of all of these things, I do believe that Pelipper can be a decent support Pokémon in Singles. Scald is the best STAB move a support Water type can have, because of its combination of decent power and 30% chance to burn (although we all know it's more like 30000% chance to burn). Roost, which is one of the main reason I believe it'll be viable, allows Pelipper to gain back 50% of it's HP to allow it to stay alive longer and thus provide Rain during the whole match if you don't let it die/get predicted. Also, since it then loses the Flying typing, it can eat up some weaker Electric-type moves, such as Hidden Power Electric, from slower Pokémon. U-Turn is a great support move; because of Pelipper's low speed, you can get a slower U-Turn against other U-Turn users and get a favourable matchup very often. It can also U-Turn on predicted switches or eat up a hit, get the slow U-Turn and switch to a powerful threat (like a Swift Swim user, for example) without having to let the threat take any damage. Finally, Knock Off is a generally useful move because it removes items, so you can remove power from big threats or remove the passive recovery of some walls. Another option for the last slot is Toxic, since it can be useful to wear down walls or put set-up sweepers on a timer. Hurricane can be used in this slot because it's powerful and 100% accurate in the rain and it allows it to deal with Grass types. Finally, Defog is a very good option since it allows you to get rid of the hazards, but I wouldn't recommend it if you have a Rapid Spin, since you don't have to remove your hazards with Rapid Spin, unlike Defog. The item depends on what your team needs: if you have a completely Rain-dependent team, you should use Damp Rock to have Rain for an extended time, but if you only use it for 1-2 abusers and your team can function wall without Rain, Leftovers can be useful to gain more health every turn. The EVs are pretty simple, they are there to make it as physically bulky as possible while having an odd HP number to switch into Stealth Rock more times.
Note: Both Knock Off and Defog are unavailable until Pokébank is out.
good partners
Rain Abusers: While most Swift Swim users are not yet available because of Pokébank being released in January, these will be excellent partners to Pelipper since they benefit from the Rain a lot (duh). Electric types also have access to 100% accurate Thunder in the rain, Flying type gain access to 100% accurate Hurricane in the rain, defensive Steel/Grass types enjoy their fire weakness being reduced by the rain. All of these are good partners to Pelipper, and generally useful Pokémon to have on a Rain Team.
Electric Resists: Pelipper is really weak against Electric, so having a partners, such as Ground types, that can take care of those is useful
Rock Resists: While it's not as weak to Rock as it is to Electric, having a good Rock resist is recommended, especially if your team relies on Rain and you need to keep Pelipper alive.
Hazard Control: Pelipper is weak to Stealth Rock, and can only switch in a few times if rocks are up. Having a Defog or Rapid Spin user is heavily recommended.
Kabutops: While it is not available yet because of Pokébank, it deserves a special mention since it has access to Rapid Spin, has the ability Swift Swim and checks Rock types.
Rock and Electric types: Pelipper is weak to those typings, so be careful around those Pokémon.
Walls: Pelipper lacks offensive presence, so common walls often stop Pelipper fairly easily, though Toxic is an decent option that can wear them down.
Strong Special Attackers: While Pelipper has nice physical bulk, its Special Defense is quite average, and it is beaten fairly easily by most special attackers.
Hope you guys enjoy this build, if you have any questions ask them below and I'll make sure to answer them (or try to).
Note: I was supposed to post this yesterday, but since I'm a worthless piece of thrash I forgot. Sorry