Sep 24, 2016, 02:33 AM
![[Image: latest?cb=20151128171305]](
I'm back on the forum! Everybody run! > : D
This time I'm trying my hand at posting competitive builds.
What did I used to do on here? I don't know. So should you run? Maybe not. But I think you should definitely run this set at least once. #MasterOfSegways
![[Image: chesnaught.gif]](
Pokemon: Chesnaught
Base Stats 88 HP / 107 ATK / 122 DEF / 74 SpA / 75 SpD / 64 Spe
Types: Grass/Fighting
Weaknesses: Flying (X4), Fire (X2), Ice (X2), Psychic (X2), Poison (X2), Fairy (X2)
Resistances: Dark (X0.5), Grass (X0.5), Water (X0.5), Electric (X0.5), Rock (X0.5), Ground (X0.5)
Abilities: Overgrow - Boosts the power of Grass types moves by 50% if the user's health is 1/3 or below.
Bulletproof (Hidden Ability) - Protects user from some ball and bomb moves, such as Gyro Ball and Sludge Bomb.
Set of the Day
Chesnaught @ Salac Berry
Ability: Overgrow / Bulletproof
EVs: 12 HP / 244 Atk / 252 Spe
Jolly Nature
- Substitute
- Belly Drum
- Seed Bomb
- Drain Punch
Pretty simple spread, huh? That is what makes this set so powerful. The goal with this Chesnaught, is to setup a Substitute. Either while leading (which is kind of risky) or by switching in on something that doesn't hit you very well (i.e. Krookodile, Umbreon w/o Taunt). The following turn, you want to go for a Belly Drum. For those of you who don't know what Belly Drum does, it boosts the user's Attack to it's maximum, at the expense of half of their health. You've lost a lot of health going for Substitute and Belly Drum, haven't you? This is actually a good thing. Because of the 12 EVs in your Health, you should be at 25% HP. This is the range where Salac Berry activates. Salac Berry boosts your Pokemon's health by 1 stage. At this speed, Chesnaught can outspeed max speed Alakazam, Dugtrio, and Sceptile by 1 point (just to put this in perspective). In just a few turns, your Chesnaught has become a monster.
In the right situation, this is an endgame because your opponent can't deal with your speed and power. Seed Bomb is used on this set for some nice STAB (Same Type Attack Bonus) damage to pick up quick KOs. It can be used in conjunction with Overgrow to do EVEN MORE damage. Drain Punch is used to get some of your health back. Instead of going the all-out attacker route with Overgrow, you can preserve for sweeper Chesnaught for longer. Because of Chesnaught's natural bulk, there isn't much for priority that can take it out if it gets back it's HP. No Talonflames in OU muhaha.
Other moveset options: Chesnaught has other physical attack options that might cause your opponent some trouble if they are not prepared. Chesnaught gets access to Dragon Claw, Earthquake, Iron Head, Poison Jab, Rock Slide, Shadow Claw, Thunderpunch, Zen Headbutt, etc. It certainly has options for various situations adding a little extra surprise to this Chesnaught.
Offensive Calculations
Defensive Calculations
Not really sure what to add to this section since this set relies on taking out Pokemon quickly and hiding behind Substitutes. I was thinking maybe throwing in something like how much you can take from a Life Orb Mamoswine Ice Shard in the event you want to know that calc. Let me know any defensive calcs you might be interesting in below.
Team Options
Hazard setters are appreciated because they can remove the effects of Focus Sash and Sturdy from Pokemon such as Donphan and Infernape. It can also put a Pokemon in range of being knocked out by Chesnaught's moves that otherwise wouldn't, like the aforementioned Mega Aggron in the Offensive Calculations. There are a lot of options for hazard setters in UU so I won't name any specific Pokemon off. I'm not completely sure what synergizes best with Chesnaught anyway :P . A Wish Passer would be handy in giving Chesnaught a second chance at setting up. Something like Umbreon could work as a Wish Passer and Cleric so that Chesnaught can gain health back and have status ailments removed. Chesnaught has 6 weaknesses, including a massive Flying one. It would be quite helpful to have Pokemon that can take those kinds of attacks for it, like Suicune or Metagross.
Checks and Counters
Choice Scarfed Pokemon: Chesnaught isn't naturally fast. Even with +1 from Salac, it won't outspeed a Scarf user like Hydreigon. Which could in turn, finish it off with Fire coverage like Flamethrower or Fire Blast.
Infiltrators: Unfortunately, there are a lot of these in UU. Noivern, Crobat, Chandelure, Whimsicott. Imfiltrator makes moves pass through Substitute. And all of those Pokemon have a super effective move with your name on it.
Resistances The Pokemon mentioned above also resist the Seed Bomb/Drain Punch set. There are others that do this too, such as Dragalge. So they could just stick around and keep causing trouble.
Status: You do not want to take a status move. Burn and paralysis cripple your sweeping potential and poison (especially Toxic poison) puts you on a timer, limiting your time with Chesnaught.
UHEW-WWWW-WW46-SJAF Week 1 IBL (It's a Pokemon league) : Tommy (me) vs Connor
I knew how well BD Chesnaught could do in this battle, remembering that I saw it a little while back on a Poketuber's channel (I think it was Lord Emvee, don't quote me.), and I wanted to give it a shot since Connor's team looked pretty scary. Volcanion and Krookodile are beasts in league play. I lost my Mega Gardevoir early on, which was crumby. But it's amazing how things can turn around so quickly. I waited for him to bring in Umbreon and went to Chesnaught ASAP.
In Conclusion
I hope you enjoyed my analysis on Belly Drum Chesnaught. Sorry it wasn't as fancy as some other people make theirs look