So I'm jus doing some running around an wanted to see if anyone could help me out that has pokemon sun.... I would like to trade u cosmog's an trad back after there evolved... Then we could have one of each cover legendary right?... Or no? Lol
(Mar 1, 2017, 12:46 AM)jhey-zone-bee Wrote: i dont get your want your cosmog evolved to solgaleo?
Yes... That's what I'm tryin to find out if that's how it works... An if it dose if someone wants to help me out.... Don't have a copy of sun yet... Jus moon... But working on my dex so there's no rush... Jus Woundering if it would work like that...
OK cool yea I was wondering if it would work like that... An that's what I was doing rightnow was leveling it up... Cat hing ultra beasts working on my pokedex....
Mar 1, 2017, 11:50 PM (This post was last modified: Mar 1, 2017, 11:56 PM by jhey-zone-bee.)
(Mar 1, 2017, 11:23 PM)Blazedanfaded88 Wrote: I have cosmoem up to lv 52 an has a rare candy... So whenever someone could give me a hand would be sweet.... Jus let me know.... Thanks...