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[SUN/MOON] HA Pokemon for a sassy 6iv ditto!
I'm looking for a sassy 6iv ditto to put into Pokemon Sun so that I can start breeding competitively. I am willing to trade away some hidden ability pokemon in exchange. Below is a list of hidden ability pokemon I have:

bulbasaur~, charmander*, slowpoke~, eevee x5~, Pikachu*, poliwag, grimer~*, tangela~, abra, cubone*, nidoran (m)*, clefairy*, vulpix, sandshrew*, magikarp*, tentacool~*, oddish~*, dratini~, oshawatt*, zangoose*, poochyena x2, froakie x3, sableye, larvitar, marill, bagon~, carbink, chimchar, torchic~*, fletchling, mudkip*, electrike*, pelliper*, snorunt~^*, ralts^*, lucario*, skarmory*, shuckle*, tropius*, illumise*, remoraid*, piplup*, buneary, bonsly*, slurpuff~*, loudred*, fennekin*, lillipup*, amaura*, kecleon*, drifloon*, litwick*, mantine*, treecko*, corphish*, tyrunt~*, pachirisu*, spritzee*, heracross*, ducklet*, taillow*, granbull*, cranidos*, luvdisc*, swablu*, absol*, qwilfish*, natu*, aron*, shuppet*, skitty*, venipede*, skrelp*, phantump*, tepig*, snivy, braviary*, gabite*, exeggcute*, scatterbug*, feebas*, chikorita*, cyndaquil*, totodile*,

~unusual moves
*requires breeding
^gendered evolution pokemon

Sun/Moon exclusive trades: Zubat+, ivysaur, ekans, nidoran (M) pidgeotto oddish, clefairy, jigglypuff, paras, beedrill, pikachu, spearow, geodude, rattata
+at least one pokemon is available for immediate trading (I only have one of each pokemon, all of which have funky nicknames. If you don't want nicknamed pokemon, you will have to wait for me to breed you a new one.)

A basic hidden ability pokemon (random ivs and random nature) will be 1 6iv ditto
A hidden ability pokemon with a specific nature and 4+ ivs guaranteed/specific gender will be 2 6iv ditto
A hidden ability pokemon with a specific nature, 5+ivs, and specific egg moves will be 3 6 iv dittos or 2 6iv dittos, each holding a nugget, (i'm low on cash in oR and all this breeding adds up)

(and while I'm postin anyone have an extra marshadow? I'll give u an extra shiny silvally for it >>)
I can give you a 6IV Ditto with a neutral nature if you’d like?

I’m still deciding what I would like in return though...
(Jan 3, 2018, 04:17 PM)TheShinyMothim Wrote: I can give you a 6IV Ditto with a neutral nature if you’d like?

I’m still deciding what I would like in return though...

Sounds good! I have a few HA pokemon, including some ivd contrary snivies
@Cubby Gamer I already have the snivy, what other HA mons do you have? A list would be nice if that isn’t too much of an effort Smile
Can USUM trade to SM? If so, I have a 6 IV Ditto I can give for a Snivy. I have either Modest, Timid, Jolly or Adamant you can pick from. Unless you don't want more than one, then ShinyMothim got here first.
Just a fossil from the days of olde.
Sword and Shield Trades
(Jan 3, 2018, 04:23 PM)TheShinyMothim Wrote: @Cubby Gamer I already have the snivy, what other HA mons do you have? A list would be nice if that isn’t too much of an effort Smile

It'll take me a minute so hold on
(Jan 3, 2018, 04:51 PM)Hojunhu Wrote: Can USUM trade to SM? If so, I have a 6 IV Ditto I can give for a Snivy. I have either Modest, Timid, Jolly or Adamant you can pick from. Unless you don't want more than one, then ShinyMothim got here first.

I'm looking for a perf ditto of each nature actually, so stay tuned in case I list a few other things that you want!
Bulbasaur,Ivysaur (Nicknamed), Charmander*, Poliwag*, Pikachu, Eevee x4 (one nicknamed), tangela*, Spearow*, Magikarp*, Geodude*, Slowpoke, Weedle*, Ekans*, nidoran(m.), clefairy, jigglypuff*, paras*, pidgey*, abra*, Tentacool, Cubone*,dratini*, All johto starters*, all unova starters*, oddish, zubat (nicknamed)

*breeding required. Nicknamed pokemon except for eevee are from Pokemon Red, and only compatible with Sun/Moon from what I understand. I have more HA pokemon than this (from other gens) but unfortunately my boxes were not as well organized as I thought and now I'm tired
I can give you two of the above mentioned natured 6IV Ditto for that Snivy you mentioned and possibly that Dratini if it has HA and Extreme Speed egg move. Otherwise I'll give you one of them for the Snivy.
Just a fossil from the days of olde.
Sword and Shield Trades
@Cubby Gamer I’m kinda looking for a HA Azumarill/Marill (Sap Sipper). You have that one too?

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