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LF and FT vivillons and more
I am looking for

Vivillon Sandstorm Pattern
Vivillon Jungle Pattern

Deerling Autumn Form
Blue Basculine
DBHA I don't have

For Trade

Modern Pattern Vivillon x 3
Icy Snow Pattern Vivillon
Polar Pattern Vivillon
Sandstorm Pattern Vivillon
Continental Pattern Vivillon

Few HA Breedject Eevee Male in Dream Balls
DBHA Mareep female
DBHA Sandile female
DBHA Skorupi female
DBHA Lapras female
DB Gastly female (Ask if you want me to lvl up it to Haunter)
Safari Ball female Heracross with Guts Ability
HA Starters - Squirtle, Bulbasaur, Charmander x3, Bayleafx2, Mudkip, Piplupx2, Dewott, Chimchar, Tepig, Pignite, Snivy, Servine x2, Treecko, Quilladin,
HA - Paras x2, Slowpoke, Drudiggon, Porygonx2, Lapras, Riolu, Zubat.
I can give you a reshiram for the lapras c:
@Feax Nice. I can give you a DBHA LApras with 4 Egg Moves (Dragon dance, ancient power, freeze-dry and water-gun).
want me to p ut it in GTS or personal trade?
I think i have you added we can trade rn if you want c:
@Feax Cheers.
I can trade my blue basculin for ur DBHA mareep and HA slowpoke
@Donut__  Sure, I will let you know, once i finish breeding them.
@donut_ Oh man! sorry, totally forgot since I've been playing Moon Day and night.

I am breeding them right now and will be ready when you come online.

Actually, my bad. They have been in my Breedject box forever. So, let me know when you come online.

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