Dec 7, 2016, 11:38 AM
(This post was last modified: Dec 7, 2016, 11:59 AM by wpendragon.)
Hello everyone, thank you for clicking on this topic. As you may be able to tell from the header I'm currently looking to round out the natures of dittos I have access too. Now I'm not asking for anything when it comes to IVs, no six IV perfect breeding ditto etc etc. All I'm looking for are two dittos, one with a bold nature and one with a rash nature, the things I have to offer for the trade include:
Pkrus mons
HA mons: Marinie, A-Vulpix (W/moonblast, hypnosis, encore and freezedry), A-sandshrew, A-exeggcute, Dratini (W/DD)
Egg move mons: Moonblast/BP cutiefly, Ice punch stuffle, Foul Play vulliby, Aqua Jet/ Spikes wimpod, Switcharoo A-Rattatta, Fire Fang Rockruff
Basic Mons: Cuebone, Salandit, Deino, Pichu, Mimikyu, Dhelmise, Popplio, Jangmo-o (Overcoat and soundproof), Mudsbray, Beldum, Bounsweet, Minior, Trapinch Cleffa, Solosis, Snoop Dragon
All mons offered for trade have at least 4 IVs and competitive natures. Of course I only need one of each of the 2 natures, so its first-come-first-served until I get an actual giveaway up and runnin'. Thanks for reading this far into the post, if anyone has questions feel free to post here or send a PM. :D
Pkrus mons
HA mons: Marinie, A-Vulpix (W/moonblast, hypnosis, encore and freezedry), A-sandshrew, A-exeggcute, Dratini (W/DD)
Egg move mons: Moonblast/BP cutiefly, Ice punch stuffle, Foul Play vulliby, Aqua Jet/ Spikes wimpod, Switcharoo A-Rattatta, Fire Fang Rockruff
Basic Mons: Cuebone, Salandit, Deino, Pichu, Mimikyu, Dhelmise, Popplio, Jangmo-o (Overcoat and soundproof), Mudsbray, Beldum, Bounsweet, Minior, Trapinch Cleffa, Solosis, Snoop Dragon
All mons offered for trade have at least 4 IVs and competitive natures. Of course I only need one of each of the 2 natures, so its first-come-first-served until I get an actual giveaway up and runnin'. Thanks for reading this far into the post, if anyone has questions feel free to post here or send a PM. :D