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[SUN/MOON] Pokemon Sun and Moon First Impressions
Probably the thing that makes me most uncomfortable about this game is that the linierity is a lot like skyward sword. You go and complete one section and move onto the next, and you may go back there(especially for the post game). Its not bad, its just weird.

at least there is no annoying boss we have to take out 3 times
I like the games to death. Though i'm playing other pokemon games to prevent me from playing the game non-stop. Here's what i've noticed:

I did a test file that i completed 3/4's of the way before making my personal save file. I like the alolan pokemon so much. They are so cute and adorable that i want to hug them (i'm not sure about hugging alolan sandshrew though haha). Haben't gone into the clothes thing yet so i'm not reviewing that.

As for the story: The introduction i felt was a little bit too long (it's as if it's actually an RPG like Xenoblade Chronicles for heaven's sake. It didn't go for that, but that's what it felt like to me). Rotom is adorable and is so interactive when it does it's part.

Overall i'd say it's a good pickup for what it's worth. It's not the best pokemon game i've played, but it's one of them for darn sure! 9/10 for me
So I just finished the main story (beaten the Elite Four). And I gotta say, I absolutely loved it. I've played all of the games and this may be my new favorite. I loved the story, the characters and it has some great music. Especially the music in Seafolk Town, my God so good. Reminds me of Golden Sun Heart

Also, the move visuals got some polishment and looked absolutely amazing. Wasn't a big fan of Z-moves initially but man, there are some brutal Final Fantasy-esqe moves in this game!
The Alola region is also great with enough varation in landscape to keep it interesting through the game.

The game is a big breath of fresh air compared to the last gens. Pokemon X/Y was a big letdown for me, the story was awful imo. Finally not some over the top story of Team blabla wanting to destroy the world for some reason. I felt more engaged to the story this time. Also, Team Skull easily best Team so far. They bring some great humor in the game. :D

Only issues I have is very low frames per second in battles, especially double battles. ORAS had the same problem but it felt like it got worse in this game. Could it be because I'm playing on a 2DS? Or has everyone this issue?

The second issue I have is the online hub, Festival Plaza. Like others mentioned before me, I feel disconnected from others. In gen6 I could be online whatever I was doing ingame and talk to people just by using the shout out.

Overall, 9/10. Best pokemon game so far in my opinion!

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