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[SUN/MOON] Taking more breeding requests
Hey everyone, in an effort to cure my boredom I'm now taking any breeding requests! I can get you any Pokemon of your wishing (except some hidden abilities). If you just want a lvl 1 pokemon with certain IVs, nature, and moveset its completely free ( a +1 Rep would be nice). If you want the pokemon fully battle ready all I ask for in return is any random hidden ability Pokemon if you have one. If you want a lot of Pokemon I'll happily accept rare items, pokemon, shinies, or we can discuss. Hope I can help some people out who don't have the time to do this stuff! PM me your requests! Big Grin
Are shinies allowed to request?

I would like to request Brave Sheer Force Male Totodile (Shiny if possible) with the Dragone Dance and Metal Claw Egg Moves, and a Brave Sturdy Shieldon (Shiny if possible) with the Stealth Rock, Curse and Wide Guard Egg Moves.

Thanks for all the good times~
I can get those pokemon for you, but if you want them shiny it could take a long time. I guess that's more up to you with how long you want to wait. Any particular IVs?
@ShinyMudkip2 If you're willing to get the shinies, IVs don't matter
Thanks for all the good times~
Hello I'm new to pokemon!
Could you breed me a:
lv 1 cinccino (jolly nature, skill link) egg move: knock off, name: ChuChu
lv 1 gible (jolly nature, rough skin) name: Alpha
lv 1 mareanie (calm nature, regenerator) egg move: haze, name: Toxic
lv 1 mimikyu (adament nature, disguise) name: Omega

the best IV you can breed would be nice!
max attack and speed on cinccino 
idk about the rest..

Would these be all free? If not I can take only the cinccino. Thankyou!
@Victuuri Just as a heads up, you can't actually breed Kartana. Also welcome to the site!
Thanks for all the good times~
Thankyou for the information/welcome about the kartana!
@Victuuri if @ShinyMudkip2 can't help you with some of those HA guys I've got a shop for those kinda requests in my signature Smile and also welcome to our lovely little site <3 love you profile picture btw ~
Dont know why I never thought to put this here...
All your Hidden Ability needs in one place <3
It might take me a little while because I don't have those pokemon with their HA but I can get it done
I'll wait as long as I can!

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