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[SUN/MOON] Wednesday Starters Giveaway is OPEN! Pick up yours!!
(Nov 23, 2016, 06:07 PM)dimasray Wrote: IGN : Dimas
FC : I've added you since monday. . .
Request: Litten (Can i get popplio too if possible?)
you always turn down my request, should i wait?
Request: pooplio and rawlet plz and thank you so much
Bout to hop in the plaza!

IGN: Steve
Request: Popplio

we should already be friends on there from the past two nights
hey i am on now
but i dont know how to trade with freinds
@TehBestCloner Hey man sorry i took so long to get on. had to travel across state, and then chat with ralatives, and finally ask for the wifi pass and sneak away...

can i still get my early access?

I'm online in the plaza now, whenever you're ready.
My internet is going wack again @@
I will be on plaza to try again now :/
Thanks a million dude. You're TehBest

Also, i've been trading people for the last 30 minutes a buncha mimikyu breeds. totally forget that that was what i got from you yesterday. (well now you got one of my breeds; its not great, cause i only just got my 6IV ditto!!) I bet you're getting all sorts of stuff in exchange for these giveaways. bet your rotem pokedex is loving it.

Also, no complaints, but why is litten level 3?
It is a sad story...
I was breeding it with my fletchlinder thing...
Then I accidentally enter the grass because of Tauros B...
It was already low health and level, and I hate dying >.>'
So boom instant lv 3... happened to me 2-3 times...

Just use it as a breed material, since you got Ditto 6IV, it will be extremely easy to remake another one Smile
It is my purpose of these breedject giveaways. They are not that great since there is no egg move whatsoever~
I rather let people play and enjoy the game than give a Battle Ready/Amazing Egg Pokemon~

Hope you understand ~

Steve and Austin, please check your screen ~.~
@TehBestCloner sorry i just added you on the freinds list my ds name is kyle but pokemon name is bsaet

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