Nov 25, 2016, 01:06 PM
(This post was last modified: Jan 6, 2017, 09:21 PM by Excalibur0126.)
![[Image: map-alola.png]](
Picture Credit goes to Reddit user Bobdor.
Rowlet: Iki Town - Starter Pokemon.
Dartrix: Level Rowlet up to level 17.
Decidueye: Level Dartrix up to level 34.
Litten: Iki Town - Starter Pokemon.
Torracat: Level Litten up to level 17.
Incineroar: Level Torracat up to level 34.
Popplio: Iki Town - Starter Pokemon.
Brionne: Level Popplio up to level 17.
Primarina: Level Brionne up to level 34.
Pikipek: Route 1, Route 8 (Trumbeak SOS Battle Only).
Trumbeak: Route 8, Poni Grove, Poni Plains - Specific Patch.
Toucannon: Level Trumbreak up to level 28.
Yungoos: Verdant Cavern - Trial Site (Rustling Spot, Sun Only), Route 2 (Day).
Gumshoos: Poni Plains (Day, Rustling Spot).
Rattata: Verdant Cavern - Trial Sight (Rustling Spot, Moon Only), Route 2 (Night).
Raticate: Poni Plains (Night, Shaking Grass).
Caterpie: Route 1 - Specific Patch 1 2.
Metapod: Route 1 - Specific Patch 1 2, Route 5 - Specific Patch, Lush Jungle - South.
Butterfree: Lush Jungle - South (Caterpie/Metapod SOS Battle Only).
Ledyba: Route 1 (Day) - Specific Patch 1 2.
Ledian: Route 10 (Day), Route 11 (Day), Route 17 (Day) - Specific Patch, Malie Garden (Day), Ula'ula Meadow (Day).
Spinarak: Route 1 (Night) - Specific Patch 1 2.
Ariados: Route 10 (Night), Route 11 (Night), Route 17 (Night) - Specific Patch, Malie Garden (Night), Ula'ula Meadow (Night).
Pichu: Route 1 - Specific Patch, Hau'oli City - Shopping District.
Pikachu: Route 1 (Pichu SOS Battle Only) - Specific Patch, Hau'oli City - Shopping District (Pichu SOS Battle Only).
Raichu: Use Thunderstone on Pikachu.
Grubbin: Route 1 - Specific Patch, Route 4, Route 5, Route 6.
Charjabug: Blush Mountain.
Vikavolt: Level up Charjabug while at Vast Poni Canyon.
Bonsly: Route 1 - Specific Patch.
Sudowoodo: Route 1 (Bonsly SOS Battle Only) - Specific Patch.
Happiny: In the Sushi High Roller in Malie City, you'll find a trainer who wishes to trade her Happiny for your Pancham.
Chansey: Route 12 (Day, Elekid SOS Battle Only), Blush Mountain (Elekid SOS Battle Only), Mount Hokulani (Night, Cleffa SOS Battle Only), Poni Grove (Riolu SOS Battle Only).
Blissey: Level up Chansey with happiness value at 220.
Munchlax: Route 1 - Specific Patch.
Snorlax: Route 1 (Munchlax SOS Battle Only) - Specific Patch.
Slowpoke: Route 1 - Hau'oli Outskirts, Route 15, Route 16, Kala'e Bay.
Slowbro: Kala'e Bay (Slowpoke SOS Battle Only).
Slowking: Trade Slowpoke with King's Rock.
Wingull: Route 1 - Hau'oli Outskirts, Akala Outskirts.
Pelipper: Route 15, Route 16.
Abra: Hau'oli City - Shopping District.
Kadabra: Level Abra up to level 16.
Alakazam: Trade Kadabra.
Meowth: Route 1 - Trainer School, Route 2 - Specific Patch.
Persian: Level up Meowth with happiness value at 220.
Magnemite: Route 1 - Trainer School.
Magneton: Level Magnemite up to level 30.
Magnezone: Level up Magneton while at Vast Poni Canyon.
Grimer: Malie City - Outer Cape.
Muk: Level Grimer up to level 38.
Growlithe: Route 2 - Specific Patch.
Arcanine: Use Fire Stone on Growlithe.
Drowzee: Route 2 - Specific Patch.
Hypno: Poni Plains - Specific Patch.
Makuhita: Route 2 - Specific Patch.
Hariyama: Poni Plains (Rustling Spot).
Smeargle: Route 2 - Specific Patch.
Crabrawler: Route 2 (Berry), Route 3 (Berry), Route 4 (Berry), Route 5 (Berry), Route 8 (Berry), Route 10 (Berry), Route 16 (Berry), Route 17 (Berry), Berry Fields (Berry), Poni Plains (Berry), Poni Wilds (Berry), Secluded Shore (Berry).
Crabominable: Level up Crabrawler on top of Mount Lanakila.
Gastly: Hau'oli Cemetary, Memorial Hill.
Haunter: Thrifty Megamart - Abandoned Site.
Gengar: Thrifty Megamart - Abandoned Site (Haunter SOS Battle Only).
Drifloon: Hau'oli Cemetary.
Drifblim: Level Drifloon up to level 28.
Misdreavus: Hau'oli Cemetary (Night).
Mismagius: Use Dusk Stone on Misdreavus.
Zubat: Seaward Cave (Surf), Ten Carat Hill - Cave (Surf), Ten Carat Hill - Undersea Cave (Surf).
Golbat: Vast Poni Canyon - B1F (Surf).
Crobat: Resolution Cave - 1F (Golbat SOS Battle Only), Resolution Cave - B1F (Golbat SOS Battle Only).
Diglett: Route 5 (Rustling Spot), Route 7 (Rustling Spot), Diglett's Tunnel (Rustling Spot).
Dugtrio: Poni Coast (Day).
Spearow: Route 3 (Flying).
Fearow: Route 10 (Shaking Tree).
Rufflet: Route 3 (Flying). Sun Exclusive
Braviary: Poni Plains (Flying). Sun Exclusive
Vullaby: Route 3 (Flying). Moon Exclusive
Mandibuzz: Poni Plains (Flying). Moon Exclusive
Mankey: Route 3.
Primape: Poni Plains (Shaking Trees) - Specific Patch.
Delibird: Route 3 - Specific Patch.
Oricorio: Route 6 - Specific Patch, Melemele Meadow, Poni Meadow, Ula'ula Meadow.
Cutiefly: Melemele Meadow.
Ribombee: Poni Meadow, Ula'ula Meadow.
Petilil: Poni Plains (Shaking Trees) - Specific Patch. Moon Exclusive
Lilligant: Use Sun Stone on Petilil.
Cottonee: Poni Plains (Shaking Trees) - Specific Patch. Sun Exclusive
Whimsicott: Use Sun Stone on Cottonee.
Psyduck: Brooklet Hill.
Golduck: Vast Poni Canyon - B1F (Surf).
Magikarp: Paniola Town (Fish), Seaward Cave (Fish).
Gyarados: Paniola Town (Fish, Magikarp SOS Battle Only), Seaward Cave (Fish, Magikarp SOS Battle Only).
Barboach: Paniola Town (Fish Special), Seaward Cave (Fish Special).
Whiscash: Paniola Town (Fish Special, Barboach SOS Battle Only), Seaward Cave (Fish Special, Barboach SOS Battle Only).
Machop: In the Route 2 Pokémon Center, you'll encounter a trainer who wants to trade her Machop for your Spearow.
Machoke: Vast Poni Canyon - Top, Vast Poni Canyon - Under Tree.
Machamp: Trade Machoke.
Roggenrola: Ten Carat Hill - Cave, Ten Carat Hill - Undersea Cave.
Boldore: Vast Poni Canyon - Inside, Vast Poni Canyon - 2F, Vast Poni Canyon - 2F Deep, Vast Poni Canyon - 3F, Vast Poni Canyon - B1F.
Gigalith: Trade Boldore.
Carbink: Ten Carat Hill - Cave, Ten Carat Hill - Undersea Cave, Ten Carat Hill - Farthest Hollow, Vast Poni Canyon - Inside, Vast Poni Canyon - 2F, Vast Poni Canyon - 2F Deep, Vast Poni Canyon - 3F, Vast Poni Canyon - B1F.
Sableye: Ten Carat Hill - Cave (Carbink SOS Battle Only), Ten Carat - Undersea Cave (Carbink SOS Battle Only), Vast Poni Canyon - Inside (Carbink SOS Battle Only), Vast Poni Canyon - 2F (Carbink SOS Battle Only), Vast Poni Canyon - 2F Deep (Carbink SOS Battle Only), Vast Poni Canyon - 3F (Carbink SOS Battle Only), Vast Poni Canyon - B1F (Carbink SOS Battle Only).
Rockruff: Ten Carat Hill - Farhtest Hollow.
Lycanrock: Vast Poni Canyon - Top, Vast Poni Canyon - Under Tree.
Spinda: Ten Carat Hill - Farthest Hollow.
Tentacool: Hano Beach (Surf Special).
Tentacruel: Poni Wilds (Surf).
Finneon: Route 8 (Surf), Route 14 (Surf), Route 15 (Surf), Brooklet Hill - Totem's Den (Surf), Hau'oli City - Beachfront (Surf), Kala'e Bay (Surf, Melemele Sea - East (Surf), Melemele Sea - West (Surf), Secluded Shore (Surf).
Lumineon: Poni Wilds (Surf).
Wishiwashi: Route 13 (Fish Special), Route 14 (Fish Special), Route 15 (Fish Special), Brooklet Hill - Totem's Den (Fish Special), Kala'e Bay (Fish Special), Secluded Shore (Fish Special).
Luvdisc: Route 9 (Fish).
Corsola: Melemele Sea - East (Fish Special), Melemele Sea - West (Fish Special).
Mareanie: Melemele Sea - East (Fish Special, Corsola SOS Battle Only), Melemele Sea - West (Fish Special, Corsola SOS Battle Only).
Toxapex: Level Mareanie up to level 38.
Shellder: Kala'e Bay (Fish Special).
Cloyster: Use Water Stone on Shellder.
Bagon: Kala'e Bay.
Shelgon: Kala'e Bay (Bagon SOS Battle Only).
Salamence: Route 3 (Bagon SOS Battle Only) - Specific Patch.
Lillipup: Paniola Ranch (Day).
Herdier: Level Lillipup up to levele 16.
Stoutland: Level Herdier up to level 32.
Eevee: Route 4, Route 6. The first time you go to the Pokémon Nursery in the Paniola Ranch, you will be given an Egg. This Egg will hatch into the Pokémon Eevee. There's nothing overly special about this Eevee.
Vaporeon: Use Water Stone on Eevee.
Jolteon: Use Thunderstone on Eevee.
Flareon: Use Fire Stone on Eevee.
Espeon: Route 4 (Day, Eevee SOS Battle Only), Route 6 (Day, Eevee SOS Battle Only).
Umbreon: Route 4 (Night, Eevee SOS Battle Only), Route 6 (Night, Eevee SOS Battle Only).
Leafeon: Level up Eevee while at Moss Rock in Lush Jungle.
Glaceon: Level up Eevee while at Ice Rock in Mount Lanakila.
Sylveon: Level up Eevee with bond of 2 hearts in Pokemon Refresh.
Mudbray: Paniola Ranch (Day).
Mudsdale: Poni Plains - Specific Patch.
Igglybuff: Route 4 (Day), Route 6 (Day).
Jigglypuff: Route 4 (Day, igglybuff SOS Battle Only), Route 6 (Day, Igglybuff SOS Battle Only).
Wigglytuff: Use Moon Stone on Jigglypuff.
Tauros: Poni Plains.
Miltank: Poni Plains.
Surskit: Brooklet Hill (Night, Surf).
Masquerain: Malie Garden (Night).
Dewpider: Brooklet Hill (Day, Surf).
Araquanid: Malie Garden (Day).
Fomantis: Lush Jungle - West (Shaking Trees).
Lurantis: Level Fomantis in Daytime.
Morelull: Lush Jungle - North (Night).
Shiinotic: Level Morelull up to level 24.
Paras: Lush Jungle - North (Day).
Parasect: Level Paras up to level 24.
Poliwag: Brooklet Hill (Surf).
Poliwhirl: In the Konikoni City's Pokémon Center, you'll encounter a trainer who can't decide what to evolve her Poliwhirl into so asks for you to trade her Poliwhirl for your Zubat.
Poliwrath: Malie Garden (Day, Weather SOS Battle).
Politoed: Malie Garden (Night, Weather SOS Battle).
Goldeen: Brooklet Hill (Fish Special).
Seaking: Brooklet Hill (Fish Special, SOS Battle Only).
Feebas: Brooklet Hill (Fish Special).
Milotic: Trade Feebas with Prism Scale.
Alomomola: Brooklet Hill - Totem's Den (Fish Special).
Fletchling: Wela Volcano Park - Bottom.
Fletchinder: Route 8.
Talonflame: Just before the entrance to the Battle Tree in Poni Gauntlet, you'll see this trainer who wants to trade his Talonflame for your Bewear so he can take on the Battle Tree. This Talonflame has its Hidden Ability.
Salandit: Wela Volcano Park - Bottom.
Salazzle: Level female Salandit up to level 33.
Cubone: Wela Volcano Park - Bottom.
Marowak: Level Cubone up to level 28 at Night.
Kangaskhan: Wela Volcano Park - Bottom.
Magby: Wela Volcano Park - Bottom.
Magmar: Wela Volcano Park - Bottom (Magby SOS Battle Only).
Magmortar: Trade Magmar with Magmarizer.
Stufful: Route 8, Akala Outskirts.
Bewear: Poni Gauntlet.
Bounsweet: In the Route 5 Pokémon Center, you'll encounter a trainer who wants to trade her Bounsweet for your Lillipup.
Steenee: In Seafolk Village, this trainer will want you to trade your Granbull for her Steenee. Her Steenee has a high IV in Special Defense.
Tsareena: Level Steenee up while knowing Stomp.
Comfey: Lush Jungle - South, Lush Jungle - West, Lush Jungle - North.
Pinsir: Lush Jungle - North, Poni Grove.
Oranguru: Lush Jungle - South, Lush Jungle - West, Lush Jungle - North. Moon Exclusive
Passimian: Lush Jungle - South, Lush Jungle - West, Lush Jungle - North. Sun Exclusive
Goomy: Route 17 (Weather SOS Battle), Lush Jungle - South (Weather SOS Battle), Lush Jungle - West (Weather SOS Battle), Lush Jungle - North (Weather SOS Battle.
Sliggoo: Exeggutor Island (Weather SOS Battle).
Goodra: Level Sliggoo up to level 50 in rain.
Castform: Route 17 (Weather SOS Battle), Exeggutor Island (Weather SOS Battle), Haina Desert (Weather SOS Battle), Lush Jungle - South (Weather SOS Battle), Lush Jungle - West (Weather SOS Battle), Lush Jungle - North (Weather SOS Battle), Malie Garden (Weather SOS Battle), Mount Lanakila - Mountainside (Weather SOS Battle), Mount Lanakila - Mid-Point (Weather SOS Battle), Tapu Village (Weather SOS Battle).
Wimpod: Route 8 (Chasing Wimpod), Poni Breaker Coast (Chasing Wimpod), Poni Wilds (Chasing Wimpod).
Golisopod: Level Wimpod up to level 30.
Staryu: Hano Beach (Rustling Spot).
Starmie: Route 7 (Fish Special, Staryu SOS Battle Only).
Sandygast: Hano Beach (Rustling Spot).
Palossand: Level Sandygast up to level 42.
Cranidos: Exchange for Skull Fossil in Route 8.
Rampardos: Level Cranidos up to level 30.
Shieldon: Exchange Armor Fossil in Route 8.
Bastiodon: Level Shieldon up to level 30.
Archen: Exchange Plume Fossil in Route 8.
Archeops: Level Archen up to level 37.
Tirtouga: Exchange Cover Fossil in Route 8.
Carracosta: Level Tirtouga up to level 37.
Phantump: Memorial Hill.
Trevenant: Trade Phantump.
Nosepass: Akala Outskirts.
Probopass: Level up Nosepass while at Vast Poni Canyon.
Pyukumuku: Route 7 (Surf), Hano Beach (Surf).
Chinchou: Route 8 (Fish Special), Akala Outskirts (Fish Special).
Lanturn: Level Chinchou up to level 27.
Type: Null: After you have stopped Lusamine's plans and rescued her from the Ultra Space and beaten the Elite Four, you can return to the Aether Paradise and go up to the Conservation Area where you will find Gladion. Thankful for your help, Gladion will give you one of the other Type: Null that the Aether Foundation created. He will also give you all the Memory items for use when it evolves into Silvally.
Silvally: Level Type: Null with happiness value at 220.
Zygarde: Convert 10 or more Cells in Route 16.
Trubbish: Malie City - Outer Cape.
Garbodor: Malie City - Outer Cape (Trubbish SOS Battle Only).
Skarmory: Route 10 (Shaking Trees).
Ditto: Mount Hokulani.
Cleffa: Mount Hokulani (Night).
Clefairy: Mount Hokulani (Night, Cleffa SOS Battle Only)
Clefable: Use Moon Stone on Clefairy.
Minior: Mount Hokulani.
Beldum: Mount Hokulani.
Metang: Level Beldum up to level 20.
Metagross: Level Metang up to level 45.
Porygon: After defeating Lusamine and stopping the Aether Foundation and beaten the Elite Four, when you go to the Aether House in Route 15, you'll find an employee in the back room who will give you a Porygon as an apology for the actions of the Foundation.
Porygon2: Trade Porygon with Up-Grade.
Porygon-Z: Trade Porygon2 with Dubious Disc.
Pancham: Route 11, Route 17 - Specific Patch.
Pangoro: Route 11 (Pancham SOS Battle Only), Route 17 (Pancham SOS Battle Only) - Specific Patch.
Komala: Route 11.
Torkoal: Route 12.
Turtonator: Blush Mountain. Sun Exclusive
Togedemaru: Blush Mountain.
Elekid: Route 12 (Day), Blush Mountain.
Electabuzz: Route 12 (Day, Elekid SOS Battle Only), Blush Mountain (Elekid SOS Battle Only).
Electivire: Trade Electabuzz with Electirizer.
Geodude: Route 12 (Day).
Graveler: Route 17 - Specific Patch.
Golem: In the Pokémon Center in Tapu Village, you will find a trainer who wants to trade his Graveler with your Haunter in order to test a theory. When you have completed the trade, the Graveler will automatically evolve.
Sandile: Haina Desert (Walking/Rustling Spot).
Krokorok: Level Sandile up to level 29.
Krookodile: Level Krokorok up to level 48.
Trapinch: Haina Desert (Rustling Spot).
Vibrava: Level Trapinch up to level 35.
Flygon: Level Vibrava up to level 45.
Gible: Breed Gabite.
Gabite: Haina Desert (Weather SOS Battle).
Garchomp: Level Gabite up to level 48.
Klefki: Thrifty Megamart - Abandoned Site.
Mimikyu: Thrifty Megamart - Abandoned Site.
Bruxish: Route 13 (Fish Special), Route 14 (Fish Special), Route 15 (Fish Special), Secluded Shore (Fish Special).
Drampa: Mount Lanakila - Cave.
Absol: Mount Lanakila - Mountainside, Mount Lanakila - Mid-Point, Mount Lunakila - Cave, Tapu Village.
Snorunt: Mount Lanakila - Mountainside, Mount Lanakila - Mid-Point, Mount Lanakila - Cave, Tapu Village.
Glalie: Mount Lanakila - Mountainside (Snorunt SOS Battle Only), Mount Lanakila - Mid-Point (Snorunt SOS Battle Only), Mount Lanakila - Cave (Snorunt SOS Battle Only).
Froslass: Use Dawn Stone on female Snorunt.
Sneasel: Mount Lanakila - Mountainside, Mount Lanakila - Mid-Point, Mount Lanakila - Cave.
Weavile: Level Sneasel up during the night while holding Razor Claw.
Sandshrew: Mount Lanakila - Mountainside, Mount Lanakila - Mid-Point. Moon Exclusive
Sandslash: Use Ice Stone on Sandshrew.
Vulpix: Mount Lanakila - Mountainside, Mount Lanakila - Mid-Point. Sun Exclusive
Ninetales: Use Ice Stone on Vulpix.
Vanillite: Tapu Village (Weather SOS Battle).
Vanillish: Mount Lanakila - Mountainside (Weather SOS Battle), Mount Lanakila - Mid-Point (Weather SOS Battle).
Vanilluxe: Level Vanillish up to level 47.
Snubbull: Breed Granbull.
Granbull: Ancient Poni Path, Poni Gauntlet, Poni Grove, Poni Wilds.
Shellos: Breed Gastrodon.
Gastrodon: Poni Wilds (Surf).
Relicanth: Poni Wilds (Fish Special).
Dhelmise: Seafolk Village (Fish Special).
Carvanha: Breed Sharpedo.
Sharpedo: Poni Breaker Coast (Fish Special).
Wailmer: Poni Wilds (Surf Special).
Wailord: Poni Breaker Coast (Fish Special, Wailmer SOS Battle Only), Poni Wilds (Fish Special, Wailmer SOS Battle Only), Seafolk Village (Fish Special, Wailmer SOS Battle Only).
Lapras: Poni Wilds (Surf).
Exeggcute: Exeggutor Island.
Exeggutor: Exeggutor Island.
Jangmo-o: Vast Poni Canyon - Top, Vast Poni Canyon - Under Tree.
Hakamo-o: Vast Poni Canyon - Top (Jangmo-o SOS Battle Only), Vast Poni Canyon - Under Tree (Jangmo-o SOS Battle Only).
Kommo-o: Vast Poni Canyon - Top (Jangmo-o SOS Battle Only), Vast Poni Canyon - Under Tree (Jangmo-o SOS Battle Only).
Emolga: Poni Plains (Shaking Trees) - Specific Patch.
Scyther: Poni Plains (Shaking Trees) - Specific Patch.
Scizor: Trade Scizor with Metal Coat.
Murkrow: Vast Poni Canyon - Top, Vast Poni Canyon Under Tree.
Honchkrow: Use Dusk Stone on Murkrow.
Riolu: Poni Grove.
Lucario: Poni Grove (Riolu SOS Battle Only).
Dratini: Poni Gauntlet (Fish Special), Poni Meadow (Fish Special), Vast Poni Canyon - B1F (Fish Special).
Dragonair: Poni Gauntlet (Fish Special, Dratini SOS Battle Only), Poni Meadow (Fish Special, Dratini SOS Battle Only), Vast Poni Canyon - B1F (Fish Special, Dratini SOS Battle Only).
Dragonite: Poni Gauntlet (Fish Special, Dratini SOS Battle Only).
Aerodactyl: When you get to Seafolk Village, when you speak to the Ace Trainer in the Huntail boat, she will give you an Aerodactyl.
Tapu Koko: Ruins of Conflic - Altar.
Tapu Lele: Ruins of Life - Altar.
Tapu Bulu: Ruins of Abundance - Altar.
Tapu Fini: Ruins of Hope - Altar.
Cosmog: Lake of the Sunne - Pedestal (Sun), Lake of the Moone - Pedestal (Moon).
Cosmoem: Level Cosmog up to level 43.
Solgaleo: Altar of the Sunne - Altar. Sun Exclusive
Lunala: Altar of the Moone - Altar. Moon Exclusive
Nihilego: Diglett's Tunnel, Wela Volcano Park - Bottom.
Buzzwole: Melemele Meadow. Sun Exclusive
Pheromosa: Verdant Cavern - Trial Site. Moon Exclusive
Xurkitree: Lush Jungle - South, Memorial Hill.
Celesteela: Haina Desert, Malie Garden. Moon Exclusive
Kartana: Route 17, Malie Garden. Sun Exclusive
Guzzlord: Resolution Cave - B1F.
Necrozma: Ten Carat Hill - Farthest Hallow.
Magearna: Event Only
Marshadow: Event Only.
Useful Characters
Massage: Within the market in Konikoni City, you will find a character who is willing to give your Pokémon a special Lomi lomi massage. This can be done once per day and will boost a Pokémon's happiness.
Happiness Checker: Within the market in Konikoni City, you will find a character who will tell you about your Pokémon's happiness through specific set statements.
250+: My! It feels incredibly close to you! Nothing makes it happier than being with you!
200-249: You clearly love your Pokémon, and you must spend a lot of time together.
150-199: Hm. I’d say that you and Pokémon have the potential to be an even greater combo.
100-149: Hmmm. I feels friendly toward you. At least a little...
50-89: Hmmm... I’d say that you and your Pokémon still have a long way to go.
1-49: What is going on here? Do you let it get knocked out a lot in battles or something? This is bad.
0: Oh dear. You must be a merciless Trainer... Do you use Frustration or just not know better?
Move Reminder: The Move Reminder is possibly one of the most important Move Tutors in the game. Located in Mount Lanakila's Pokémon Center on Ula'ula Island, this character will teach your Pokémon a move that it either had as an Egg Move and has forgotten, or that was long up its Level Up list. This is handy to make sure your Pokémon has the correct moves or if you accidentally deleted a move. It's also got a new feature in Sun & Moon where it will also teach you a move that is further along it's moveset, normally learned at a higher level.
Evolutionary Items
Dawn Stone: Hau'oli City; From Guzma after defeating him in the postgame, Poke Pelago.
Dubious Disc: Aether Paradise; Defeat Faba after completing the game.
Dusk Stone: Poni Wilds; Under the sea near the fishing hole, Poke Pelago.
Electirizer: Seafolk Village; From shop owner in the Huntail hut, Battle Tree; Battle Tree Shop Left. Found on wild Electabuzz, Elekid.
Fire Stone: Diglett's Tunnel; North west of the tunnel - Requires Tauros, Poke Pelago, Konikoni City; Jewelry Shop.
Ice Stone: Po Town; By swimming pool, accessed by left exit of Shady House, Poke Pelago.
King's Rock: Route 1 - Trainer School; From Principal Asuka after defeating her in battle - Post Game, Battle Tree; Battle Tree Shop Left. Found on wild Poliwhirl, Poliwrath, Slowbro, Politoed, Hariyama.
Magmarizer: Seafolk Villiage; From shop owner in the Huntail hut, Battle Tree; Battle Tree Shop Left. Found on wild Magmar, Magby.
Metal Coat: Found on wild Magnemite, Skarmory, Beldum.
Moon Stone: Route 13; By pond, Poke Pelago, Pickup Item. Found on wild Clefairy, Jigglypuff, Cleffa.
Prism Scale: Exeggutor Island; All the way round to the north of the island, Fishing, Pickup Item.
Razor Claw: Found on wild Jangmo-o, Hakamo-o, Kommo-o.
Sun Stone: Blush Mountain; In the south west, Poke Pelago, Pickup Item.
Thunderstone: Route 8 - Fossil Restoration Center; Behind caravan, Poke Pelago, Konikoni City; Jewelry Shop.
Up-Grade: Aether House; From Aether Employee after Ultra Beast Quest, Battle Tree; Battle Tree Shop Left.
Water Stone: Route 8; In water south of small island, Poke Pelago, Konikoni City; Jewelry Shop.
Armor Fossil: Konikoni City; Fossil Seller (Moon).
Cover Fossil: Konikoni City; Fossil Seller (Sun).
Plume Fossil: Konikoni City; Fossil Seller (Moon).
Skull Fossil: Konikoni City; Fossil Seller (Sun).
The minute you think of giving up, think of the reason why you held on so long.