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Shiny Swap Shop
Hello, I am looking for a variety of shiny pokemon and have the following to offer. Please pay attention as some are shiny some are legendary and some are shiny legendary:

On Pokemon Alpha Saphire:
lvl 45 Virizion
97/91/93/120/102, Lax, Justified, Helping Hand Retaliate Giga Drain and Sacred Sword
lvl 86 Shiny Venusaur
209/192/198/221/187, Adamant, Overgrow, Earthquake Sludge Bomb Razor Leaf and Poison Powder
lvl 100 Darkrai (Event Pokemon, Also have unused US Code)
237/191/286/194/264, Naughty, Bad Dreams, Dark Void Omnious Wind Nightmare and Feint Attack

On Pokemon X:
lvl 1 Phione
6/6/6/6/6, Serious, Hydration, Bubble and Water Sport
6/6/6/5/6, Naughty, Hydration, Bubble and Water Sport
lvl 81 Shiny Florges
127/138/232/264/175, Modest, Flower Veil, Dazzling Gleam Energy Ball Moonblast and Psychic
lvl 34 Shiny Mightyena
66/67/50/49/57, Bold, Intimidate, Tackle Roar Assurance and Bite
lvl 1 Shiny Aron (Nicknamed: Terminator)
6/7/5/5/5, Naive, Sturdy, Tackle and Harden
lvl 50 Shiny Aegislash
112/170/49/170/80, Adamant, Stance Change, Sacred Sword Swords Dance Shadow Sneak and King's Shield
lvl 65 Reshiram
184/155/216/182/142, Docile, Turboblaze, Dragon Pulse Focus Blast Extrasensory and Fusion Flare
lvl 31 Latios (Nicknamed: Blue Jay) or lvl 30 Latios (Nicknamed: Lazor wing)
78/58/89/68/83, Naughty, Levitate, Heal Pulse Dragon Breath Luster Purge Psycho Shift
64/49/86/88/80, Gentle, Levitate, Cut Dragon Breath Luster Purge Psycho Shift
lvl 50 Regigas (Nicknamed: King of All)
180/123/100/139/108, Sassy, Slow Start, Zen Headbutt, Revenge, Wide Guard, Foresight
lvl 100 Shiny Xerneas (Event Pokemon)
267/226/298/243/220, Calm, Fairy Aura, Geomancy Moonblast Aromatherapy and Focus Blast

Please post below if you are interested in any of them!
Could you list the abilities, natures, IVs, and moves for each of them?
The minute you think of giving up, think of the reason why you held on so long.
It might sound weird, but could I please trade my Latios for yours (nicknamed Blue Jay)? I just prefer my Pokemon having a nickname... -.-'
Did you want to know one in particular?
There's multiple I'd like to know about, specifically the nonshiny legendaries, but I believe it would benefit everyone else if you could add the details I specified.
The minute you think of giving up, think of the reason why you held on so long.
I have a Shiny Suicune, and I would love to get trade it for the Reshiram!
If you need help with IV breeding or if you wanna battle (Mixed OU), feel free to send me a PM!
Instead of listing the values of each stat, you can find what IVs the Pokemon has from the stat judge. In Pokémon X and Y, the Judge is an Ace Trainer located in the Kiloude City Pokémon Center. In Pokémon Omega Ruby and Alpha Sapphire, he is located in the Battle Resort Pokémon Center. In addition to noting the overall total and highest IV of a Pokémon, he will make special comments if the Pokémon shown to him has an IV of 0 in any of its stats. When listing IVs, people usually want to know what stats have an IV of 31: "Stats like those... They simply can't be beat! That's how I judge it."
The minute you think of giving up, think of the reason why you held on so long.
I'd love to! When are you ready?
I will PM you specific details
You can find me on YouTube, Steam, and Twitter if you need to

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