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So done with Pokemon!
Gather 'round everyone, it's story time!

This story takes place on the 20-something of November 2011. Or maybe it was 2012. Who Cares. Dates are not important.
The new FIFA game had been out since September, and like most Football fans (or "Soccer" for you Americans Kappa) I was enjoying my time playing it especially online against other humans. Unfortunately, after an amazing win streak of 2 games - that's right, 2 games - I endured a 1-0 defeat. No big deal right? Well apparently it was to my opponent. He/she messaged me (because that's a thing you could do on the PS3 even if you aren't friends with the person) gloating, making sure I knew who won and who lost. I won't go into detail, but he/she said some pretty uncalled for stuff, all because he won a football match on a video game. I didn't fall for the bait, and just messaged back a simple "Well done." He then proceeded to message me more hate for the rest of the day and part the day after. And he won the match not me. I even congratulated him/her and that seemed to make them more angry
Did I stop playing FIFA because of this? No.

My point is you'll get trolls on the internet wherever you go. You shouldn't let one bad egg get you down, nor should you judge an entire community because of them. Like others before me have said, just brush it off. Don't stop doing something you enjoy because of one person, there's a lot of good people around too, you just have to ignore the troublemakers

And if my amazing story didn't help, I'll leave you with this. Follow his teachings and you'll be fine Kappa

Welp, that went a bit far, as in a long way far Kappa
He was obviously a troll asking for attention aswel :/
Never Give Up! - Densest Anime Protagonist of the Century

Forum Ninja
I feel horrible now...I was there yesterday when that happened, and I tried to log on to lend you a hand, but I had to reset my password. By the time I got back, it seemed like it had stopped. I'm sorry for not getting there in time T_T
Aww. I'm sorry that happened to you, LadyShanna Sad I had no idea people were doing that. Yeah, that does happen sometimes. Kids are little sociopaths :p Also, I think you came across a troll. People who only hang in TheJustinFlynn don't give a fudge cuz they are barely part of the community, but people in TheReplayFlynn are pretty helpful. If you want any help getting Pokemon for competitive and advice, you can always swing by TheReplayFlynn sometimes, message me on here or another kind soul on here, or look into the competitive section to see if someone has already posted an answer to a question you have. Smile
I hope you will remain a part of the community :D

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