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So what did I miss
Hey I'm back. Sorry for not coming back sooner real live and family matters got a hold of me and i haven't been able to do anything sense January. So I plan on coming back and being part of the community and any way possible. So best of look with us.
A legend fallen from grace.
Somethings that you may have missed (im not sure how long you were gone) is:
Justin is back (yay). he's been making alot of youtube videos and may stream soon
We have two new global moderator: Naitre and Rouge, and three regular mods: Eeveeli, Tygaa and Knight Owl (congrats :D)
ive personally started a pokemon league if you'd like to join it Wink
Also yesturday justin and wolfe announced the making of a pokemon documentary
and finally we've had alot of awesome pokemon sets made in the last couple weeks
theres alot more thats happen but heres just a few Smile
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Ha! You've underestimated my stupidity.
~Virtual Polygon Duck of Team Forum~
Welcome back to the site
Justin will return in about a week, cant get any better then that, I hope High School soccer conditioning doesnt make me miss some streams tho
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