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Sup guys!
Most of the JustinFlynn guys probably won't know me, but anyone who's a regular on OhNickel's stream should know who I am!

I'm here to discuss strategies, ideas, to battle, train, trade, and overall have a good time!

Sweet man, welcome to the forums! If Nickel's streams interest you then you should stop by Justins' sometime. We'd love to have ya!
(Nov 27, 2014, 07:43 PM)Liamcal Wrote: Sweet man, welcome to the forums! If Nickel's streams interest you then you should stop by Justins' sometime. We'd love to have ya!

I'm already a follower of his stream, and he's pretty cool. I learned of him from TheJWittz
Welcome forsakenm
Welcome :D
~Visit PokemonForever's Twitter Page~
Ha! You've underestimated my stupidity.
~Virtual Polygon Duck of Team Forum~
Hi! Welcome to the website, Forsakenm!
I recognize your username from Nickel's stream, welcome to the forums! :D
Welcome, Hope you enjoy your self
Hey Forsaken! ^.^/
Seen you several times in Nickel's stream.
Welcome to the forums.
Evyii the Dragonslayer of #TeamForum

I'm back! Mostly playing LoL nowadays though. What is life, but homework and sleep.

ForsakenM! Welcome to the forums. I still haven't won a single raffle in OhNickel's stream lol. Have fun around these parts!

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