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[TOURNAMENT] March Luck of the Shines Competition

[Image: Screen_Shot_2018-02-28_at_10.08.27_PM.png]

To celebrate Good ol' Saint Patricks Day, I will be throwing my First Ever Competition, and one with a very Fun Idea if I do say so Myself.

Allow me to explain this here Competition,

This will be a Double Style Battle Competition with all the battles done on Pokemon Showdown (you know that battle simulator thingy).  You will have a full team of 6 pokemon but will only be allowed to bring 4 to match.  This is a pretty major rule, being that YOU CAN ONLY USE POKEMON WITH A MAINLY GREEN SHINY FORM.  THAT'S RIGHT, ONLY GREEN SHINY POKEMON.  

Some other Important rules include:

Item and Species Clause
Mega Pokemon are allowed, however there are some strict rules about them that I will point out later
You may only have one Z- Crystal on your team

To help all of you guys out I have looked at all of the 800+ Shiny Sprites and compiled a list of all the legal pokemon, which can be found here:
A couple of things that went into making this list was the amount of green that was on a pokemon, for example take these two pokemon here: 

[Image: Screen_Shot_2018-02-28_at_4.59.09_PM.png]      [Image: Screen_Shot_2018-02-28_at_5.01.36_PM.png]

Only one of these two pokemon are legal in this Tournament, that being Espeon.  Vikavolt on the other hand may have green details on the two blades and his eyes, but the main part of his body is in fact silver, so he isn't allowed in this Format.

Reguarding Mega Pokemon there are a few rules about them too:
  1. Have a mainly green Mega Evolved Form
  2. Be the only pokemon on your team with a Mega Stone
  3. It must Mega Evolve the first time it takes a move, for example: 
    • If you have a Mega Sableye, you must have it evolve rather than using the regular form to abuse Prankster,  However if you swap out rather than making a move is Ok
  1. Join the Challonge Tourney here :
  2. Fill out the following form and post it below
Showdown Name: 
Discord Name:
Challonge Name:
    3.  Report back on Friday March 30th between 7-8 PM EST for check in, then get ready  to fight
    4.  Start building a team and Have Fun

Can't Wait to See You All There,


Ps. If any of you guys think that a Pokemon should be involved on this list, feel free to DM me about it, and if it agrees with the rules It will be added to the Eligible Pokemon List  Big Grin
This sounds like lots of fun!

@FireTaco I just created an account in, but when I click on the link above it says that 'You are not authorized to see this page.' Do you have any idea of what this is? 

 ~ Always ready to fire up the party! ~ 
@Black Waterfall Hey thank you so much for bringing this to my attention, I updated the settings so that you should be able to get on now.
(Mar 3, 2018, 02:49 PM)FireTaco Wrote: @Black Waterfall Hey thank you so much for bringing this to my attention, I updated the settings so that you should be able to get on now.

@FireTaco Cool!

I will not be at home the whole day but I will check this out as soon as I get back!
 ~ Always ready to fire up the party! ~ 
Gonna Bump this hoping to bring a couple more people into the Tournament
Link doesn't work Senpai
Thanks for all the good times~
Well damn I'm bad at this,

fixing it now
Showdown Name: Kris_PKMN4EVER
Discord Name: Cody or something#3148
Challonge Name: Its_not_Kris
Thanks for all the good times~
What time is the tournament taking place exactly? I am in UTC+8, I hope I will be able to make it.

Showdown Name: Black Waterfall
Discord Name: Black#7135
Challonge Name: blackwaterfall

PS: It looks like there are no legal Fire-types in the tournament T-T
 ~ Always ready to fire up the party! ~ 
Hmm...  It is taking place at 7-8 EST so that would make it 11-12 UTC for you,

Geez sorry that it is so late for you, but if you want to do your battles earlier and whoever you are going up against is ok with that I see no issue with that.

sorry about the Fire types, I will look though the list possible shinies to see if I can find one for you.


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