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[TRADE] 5-6iv Poke for HA Torchic
Sup guys, I've been breeding for a HA Torchic without a HA Torchic. If some has one available for trade, please let me know.
i have one if you want
Okay, I'll be on tomorrow at 6pm est. I will make sure to add you by then.
Sounds good man. U have any breedjects in exchange?
(Jul 25, 2015, 09:11 AM)starlord31 Wrote: Sounds good man. U have any breedjects in exchange?

I'm actually all set now, but if you have some BP battle items or garchompite it would help out a lot.
Nah. I don't have many battle items and i only have on garchompite. sorry dude
(Jul 25, 2015, 12:18 PM)starlord31 Wrote: Nah. I don't have many battle items and i only have on garchompite. sorry dude

No problem, thanks for the offer anyways!

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