Nov 1, 2015, 08:37 AM
Hello people,
This is my firs ttime posting here so I hope I'm not breaking any rule or anything. Anyways, I had heared that when you beat Elite 4 the legendaries respawn if you KILL them. which is unfortunate, cause I misread and thought I would get Groundon respawning even if I catched him on the first place.
So now I'm stuck with an average Groundon which is all but good for competetive :/ So I'm wondering if anyone here is willing to trade their Battle ready groundon with mine, or with some other pokemon you may want from Omega Ruby that I can get for you.
This is my firs ttime posting here so I hope I'm not breaking any rule or anything. Anyways, I had heared that when you beat Elite 4 the legendaries respawn if you KILL them. which is unfortunate, cause I misread and thought I would get Groundon respawning even if I catched him on the first place.
So now I'm stuck with an average Groundon which is all but good for competetive :/ So I'm wondering if anyone here is willing to trade their Battle ready groundon with mine, or with some other pokemon you may want from Omega Ruby that I can get for you.