I have some breedjects left that I would like to give away to those who want them. They are all 5-6 IV's and the are only missing IV is in the stat that isn't necessarily needed.
What I have are:
11 Pawniards
Nature: Adamant
Ability: Defiand
Eggmoves: Sucker Punch
1 Snivys
Ability: Contrary
Eggmoves: Glare and Mirror Coat
2 Snivys
Nature: Timid
Ability: Contrary
No eggmoves
6 Mudkips in a love ball
Nature: Impish
Ability: Torrent
Eggmoves: Mirror Coat, Counter, Wide Guard, Curse
(I also have Female Mudkips if you want to breed your own one a love ball but they are not perfect)
More will come later
Then I have a few BR Bisharps:
2 level 57 and 4 level 54
Ability: Defiant
Nature: Adamant
EV's: 6 HP + 252 ATK + 252 SPE
Sucker Punch
Iron Head
Knock Off
What I have are:
11 Pawniards
Nature: Adamant
Ability: Defiand
Eggmoves: Sucker Punch
1 Snivys
Ability: Contrary
Eggmoves: Glare and Mirror Coat
2 Snivys
Nature: Timid
Ability: Contrary
No eggmoves
6 Mudkips in a love ball
Nature: Impish
Ability: Torrent
Eggmoves: Mirror Coat, Counter, Wide Guard, Curse
(I also have Female Mudkips if you want to breed your own one a love ball but they are not perfect)
More will come later
Then I have a few BR Bisharps:
2 level 57 and 4 level 54
Ability: Defiant
Nature: Adamant
EV's: 6 HP + 252 ATK + 252 SPE
Sucker Punch
Iron Head
Knock Off