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[TRADE] Charizard's Trading Shop! (Online!)
I can't vouch for authenticity cause it was wonder trade but it goes into Pokemon bank fine for me. It's level 69 and German, it knows psycho shift fly psychic and heal pulse, is timid and stats are as followed
210 hp
123 Atk
150 Def
180 Sp. Atk
205 sp. def
195 speed
If it floats your boat I will give it latiasite so it can mega evolve.

Messages In This Thread
RE: Charizard's Trading Shop! (Online!) - by Saiaku - Jan 6, 2016, 04:25 PM
RE: Charizard's Trading Shop! (Online!) - by Saiaku - Jan 6, 2016, 04:56 PM
RE: Charizard's Trading Shop! (Online!) - by Saiaku - Jan 6, 2016, 05:36 PM
RE: Charizard's Trading Shop! (Online!) - by Frost - Jan 7, 2016, 03:37 PM
RE: Charizard's Trading Shop! (Online!) - by Frost - Jan 7, 2016, 03:43 PM
RE: Charizard's Trading Shop! (Online!) - by PileOfPixels - Jan 7, 2016, 03:51 PM

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