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[TRADE] FT: Shiny Naive 6 IV Blaziken W/ HA ( Speed Boost ) *Pokerus*
LF: Shiny Ninetails
But I'll be intrested in any other shiny pokemon if you don't have it Smile Just list nature,IVs, and Ability.
shiny golbat?
Have one already, lol.
(Dec 29, 2014, 10:13 PM)Dexa3 Wrote: Have one already, lol.

lol, i don't have many shinies, only others i have are a wismur or an axew
How about a shiny adamant 6IV pokerus froakie?
6IV modest shiny HA serperior
Shiny rhyperior 5ivs
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(Dec 30, 2014, 01:10 PM)Vitamins Wrote: Shiny rhyperior 5ivs
Do you have any other shinys?
Shiny meowstic. Not 100% sure about stats. It has prankster.

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