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[TRADE] HA Froakies
Hi I have a ton of HA protean frokies! post a trade and if i want it then you can have a froakie lvl 1! Thease pokemon are hached not cloned and here are the natures i have and the number of frokies i have with that nature:
Sassy 2
Bold 3
Gentle 3
Admant 2
Bashful 1
Lax 1
Brave 2
Hardy 1
Careful 1
Quirky 4
Naive 5
Serious 2
Quiet 3
Docile 2
Impish 1
Timid 1
and Rash 1                                                   They all have HA Protean i really like shinys for trade!
Shinies for HA Froakies?
Not only shinys :P I take alot of pokemon,this is more of a givaway
Could I get a brave?

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