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Hi, my names Jeff, and I have 52 jolly 5 IV Larvitar that I would like to trade away.

Moveset for Larvitar: Bite/Leer/Outrage/Dragon Dance

I am looking for the following Pokemon with the following natures.

Poliwag: Timid/Calm
Timburr: Adamant
Sandile: Jolly
Litwick: Timid
Axew: Jolly/Adamant
Slowpoke: Bold
Lotad: Modest
Lapras: Modest/Calm
Swinub: Adamant
Horsea: Modest
Beldum: Jolly/Adamant
Rhyhorn: Adamant/Jolly
Larvesta: Bold/Modest
Binacle: Adamant
Clauncher: Modest

I am just having fun breeding and making mon, so if you have any of these and are interested in a Larvitar please feel free to hit me up on here. Through the thread or private message is fine. The pokemon don't have to be perfect as obviously I am not trading perfect mon, but decent IV's are definitely appreciated and egg moves are a bonus. If you took the time to read this and you don't have an above listed pokemon maybe we can figure something out if you really want that Jolly Tar, so still contact me. And if you read all of this and aren't interested, thanks for taking the time to look and have an awesome day.
Does the Larvitar have a blue pentagon? Or more specifically, can it be used in Battle Spot?
I don't have a Timid Litwick, but I do have a Timid Chandelure with HP Ice and the max IVs you can have with HP Ice. Would that do? It is also lvl 50, and battle ready.
yes that will work
There seems to be a problem with your FC. Are you sure it's correct?
there's an 0 in front of the code. sorry i'm dumb lol
I'm ready to trade right now.


Awesome! Thank you! This saves me a lot of time.
I have both natures for Beldum. Adamant & Jolly, both 5 IV's.
I have a 6IV Adamant Beldum that I hatched last night. I have no use for it so I'd trade for one of your Larvitars.

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