Jul 13, 2015, 01:11 PM
(Jul 13, 2015, 02:13 AM)MARSxVenom Wrote: I have a spare Kangaskhan (max Attack max speed jolly, with double edge, power-up punch, sucker punch, fake out, Scrappy ability) holding a kangskhanite and a heliolisk (max spatck max spe timid, with thunderbolt, volt switch, hyper voice, grass knot, Dry Skin abilty) holding choice specs if you would like them. I don't have use for either of them and I don't need anything in return, so whatever spare stuff you have will do. Both are nicknamed and can be re-nicknamed or have them removed if you would want.
I would greatly appreciate that.
My FC: 1864-8993-5654 IGN:Siruis