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[TRADE] LF BR Shinies! FT: Volcanion, Mew, Genesec etc
@Pattyback11 cant be traded on GTS^^
Ok come online then I'm online now
Im online
@Pattyback11 we wanted tot rade for a bR shiny
(May 4, 2016, 01:57 PM)irazer91 Wrote: Im online

oh I just found u wops hang on let me take back the sudowodo

luxray shiny is comming
(May 4, 2016, 02:01 PM)irazer91 Wrote: @Pattyback11 we wanted tot rade for a bR shiny

there you go.. :D a shinny luxray... It's tough so have fun
@Pattyback11 thank you ^^ hf with the volca
@Pattyback11 take it if you want
give me a crap pokemon
(May 4, 2016, 02:07 PM)irazer91 Wrote: @Pattyback11 thank you ^^ hf with the volc

that arceus do you want a shiny. Charizard  with mega for it...
0o0 holy mother of arceus .... Woooooow whatttt ?!!!???  Really??!!  Thanks :O

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