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[TRADE] LF BR Heatran
Hey guys, so I'm starting to build another OU team, and I need a Flash Fire pokemon to help Scizor. So if you have one, I'll trade shinies and legendaries.

List of Shinies:
Gyarados, Hydreigon, and Scizor. (yeah)

List of legendaries:
Eon Duo (Latias, Latios)
Beast Trio (Raikou, Entei, Shiny Suicune)
Legendary Titans (Regirock, Regice, Registeel)
Lake Guardians (Uxie, Mesprit, Azelf)
Swords of Justice (Cobalion, Terrakion, Virizion)
Forces Of Nature (Tornadus, Thundurus, all Therian Forme)
Mew, Groudon, Event Jirachi, Deoxys, Regigigas, Event Celebi Heatran, Palkia, and Cresselia.
If you need help with IV breeding or if you wanna battle (Mixed OU), feel free to send me a PM!
I have a Heatran with Flash Fire if you are interested.
@ForestEmerald What are his IV's?
If you need help with IV breeding or if you wanna battle (Mixed OU), feel free to send me a PM!
I'm afraid I don't know, I haven't unlocked the Battle Resort yet. If it's still okay, can I please trade it for the Palkia?
@ForestEmerald Here's an IV calculator:
If you need help with IV breeding or if you wanna battle (Mixed OU), feel free to send me a PM!
It was a bit weird, but I think I did it right. It said it had 3 IVs in HP, Special Attack and Special Defense.
@ForestEmerald Yeah, I think I won't take it. I need at lease 5 full IV's. Sorry though.
If you need help with IV breeding or if you wanna battle (Mixed OU), feel free to send me a PM!
It's fine. Good luck finding the one you need! :-)
@ForestEmerald Thanks!
If you need help with IV breeding or if you wanna battle (Mixed OU), feel free to send me a PM!

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