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[TRADE] LF: Kangaskhan /Jolly nature w/ Hidden Ability(Parental Bond) 5/6IV
Im willing to trade my 
Volcanion, Mew (Event), Darkrai (Event) or Celebi (Event) Just to get Kangaskhan /Jolly Nature/ HA with atleast 5/6IV.

I think you mean a Kangaskhan with Inner Focus, which is its Hidden Ability. Parental Bond if its Ability as a Mega Evolution.
Yeap Inner Focus haha. Im sorry
(May 6, 2016, 09:10 AM)Eugenio Wrote: Yeap, Inner Focus. Im sorry Smile
I can work on breeding you one right now if you don't mind waiiting for a bit. I'd be interested in the Celebi if you don't mind.

Edit: I have a Kangaskhan ready for you with HA, Jolly, and 5IV with the exception of Sp. Attack. Got you added so we can trade whenever you're interested and ready.
(May 6, 2016, 10:37 AM)DynastyK Wrote: I can work on breeding you one right now if you don't mind waiiting for a bit. I'd be interested in the Celebi if you don't mind.

Edit: I have a Kangaskhan ready for you with HA, Jolly, and 5IV with the exception of Sp. Attack. Got you added so we can trade whenever you're interested and ready.

I'm going to add you. Trade me right now
Im going to add you. Trade me right now Smile
Thank you for the trade, hope you enjoy your mon and have fun Smile
You too hehe. Ty Smile

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