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[TRADE] LF Legendary Pokemon
Hey I'm currently in the process of completing my living dex, and I need some event legends and version exclusive legends.

I currently still need:Zapdos, Ho-oh, Jirachi, palkia, Manaphy, Darkrai, shaymin, arceus, victini, tornadus, reshiram, keldeo, meloetta, genesect,  yveltal, and diancie.

I have legit shinnies from X,Y/ORAS I caught which includes Gyarados, Zubat, Hoppip, geodude, Machop, lombre,  Lotad, Rattata, camerupt, bunneary, starly, and joltik. Also a shiny deoxys with the blue pentagon for 2 of the legends I need.

I also have some 5-6IV pokemon, most battle ready including Umbreon, Tyranitar, Raichu, Volcarona, Gengar, horsea, snorunt, and others...just ask if you're looking for something specific.

Thank you!!
I have Darkrai, Meloetta, and Genesect if you want them.
yes please! What do you want for them?
Can I get the shiny Zubat, Starly, and Bunneary for them?
sure sounds good! FC: 1435-5178-7991 IGN: Adam
I've got reshiram if I could trade it for the Gyrados?
yes julia! I'm on now if you're ready
(Feb 16, 2015, 01:23 PM)cgsoccer7 Wrote: yes julia! my FC and IGN are above!

Ok! I believe I have you added?
yes you do haha your new avatar threw me off ;-)
Ive got Keldeo, trade for Raichu?

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