Hello everyone, I am looking for a Spiritomb with its hidden ability. If anyone has one and would like to trade, please let me know. Or if you have a friend safari with Spiritomb in it, add me if you would like
I have one! I can trade it to you. What can you offer in return? I'm not picky and I don't really need this Spiritomb so you can have it for practically anything haha.
(Oct 7, 2015, 11:49 PM)ShinyLuigi Wrote: I have one! I can trade it to you. What can you offer in return? I'm not picky and I don't really need this Spiritomb so you can have it for practically anything haha.
I could give you just about anything, besides a legendary of sorts, I do not have ORAS currently, so it would have to be something from y. I fyou want you could shoot me a pm, and we can continue discussing this there?
(Oct 9, 2015, 11:53 PM)ShinyLuigi Wrote: Hi, sorry, we live in a completely different time zone it seems so I was sleeping when I got this reply.
I'll send you a PM.
That is perfectly fine, I just didn't want you to forget, and everyone else think the forum was closed. Yeah, I would really like it, if you are okay with anything in return. I highly appreciate it
So what time works for you? I know that we have different time Zones, and your Private messaging is disabled so I had to reply here.
(Oct 16, 2015, 04:34 PM)eddytay1234 Wrote: oh sorry that i see wrongly... but than do you need i help you breed?
(sorry late reply...)
Perfectly fine, with the late reply, and I would like to get my hands on one, doesn't have to have any decent IVs or anything, I can breed for those. It would be amazing if you would be willing to do that, I haven't heard from Shiny Luigi after what you see on here. So the help would be appreciated, thank you.