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[TRADE] Looking for a trade for my shiny charizard
i have a shiny charizard and i do not want it.Anyone who wants it, make a fair offer below and i will consider it please and thanks
Would you like another shiny pokemon or like lvl 100 non-shiny?
(Apr 3, 2016, 02:00 PM)Platinum2183 Wrote: stats?
its hardy nature with blaze and pokerus. 78 attack 76 def 95 sp attack 77 sp def 92 speed but its level 36 i didnt name it and it has decent moves but i can change them if you'd like
I was thinking I'll give 2 shinies for it. I have a shiny barboach and shiny wailmer in hand rn
(Apr 3, 2016, 02:11 PM)WATSONS67TARDIS Wrote: I was thinking I'll give 2 shinies for it. I have a shiny barboach and shiny wailmer in hand rn
you got anything else but i kinda like the barboach but not the wailmer sorry but id willing to trade you it for the barboach and something else
Shiny Milotic?
Hmmmm.... I have a shiny relicanth. Let me check my other games of what i have
I also have a shiny Gyarados. And those are all the shinies I have.
(Apr 3, 2016, 02:30 PM)WATSONS67TARDIS Wrote: I also have a shiny Gyarados. And those are all the shinies I have.
what level is it? if its above 30 then yea ill trade my charizard for the barboach and the gyarados if you want

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