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[TRADE] Looking for friends to trade with
Hey everybody, I am new to this site and basically looking for people to trade with. I have some good shinies and legendaries to trade. I like making friends so if you are interested my FC and IGN is below, inbox or reply to me so I can get yours and start trading =) thanks

FC: 4098-5088-0966 IGN: Alan
Welcome to the site. My FC is to the left, IGN Greg, and I'd love to trade for some shinies and/or Hidden Ability pokemon. Make sure to stop by the Meet and Greet section to introduce yourself and tell us a bit about yourself.
Thanks Sandragon13 =) will do! I look forward to future trades
Welcome, I have only been here a few days and the community have been awesome
My IGN is : JD
My FC is on the left

I am also looking for people to trade with , Mainly BR Pokemon i have Shinies to trade and some BR Pokemon if anyone is intrested
Thanks JD! hope to trade with you soon =)

also I didn't mention in the actual original post but I am new to battling and willing to do some battles
I have added you, if im online im happy to battle i have a few teams im experimenting with
I'm still learning so I'd probably be ideal to test your team out on =)
(Feb 27, 2015, 01:12 PM)The Shiny Charmander Wrote: Hey everybody, I am new to this site and basically looking for people to trade with. I have some good shinies and legendaries to trade. I like making friends so if you are interested my FC and IGN is below, inbox or reply to me so I can get yours and start trading =) thanks

FC: 4098-5088-0966 IGN: Alan

i have added you my fc is 3695-0252-7017
Thanks, I have done the same.

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