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[TRADE] Okin9710 Trade shop x)
hi im here for trade some competitive pokemon and also some shiny.
Pokemon i've got:

5iv lileep HA (done)
5iv Electrike
5iv Corpish HA and egg moves
5iv abra HA (done)
5iv buneary eggmoves
5iv ralts (adamant for gallade)
5iv porygon
5iv hippopotas (done)
6iv battleready GOODRA
5iv battleready POLITED HA (done)


espeon (done)
x3 ralts

pkemons im looking for:

female secret skill bunnelby. (got it)
5iv timid lucario with vacuum wave as egg moove. (got it)
hiden ability femlae amoonguss. (got it)
HA female emboar. (got it)
5iv modest clawitzer. (got it)
Ha female swirlix
a good competitive shiny slowpoke/slowbro
HA female solosis / 5iv magic guard modest solosis

lets offer competitive pokemons im not interested on the shinies. KappaHD
Got a huge power Bunnelby for ya if you want, i like the shiny espeon
I've got a hidden ability female foongus
just tell me waht u wanth add me and come online my ign is Laria
sorry just4all i nearyl got the bunnelby <.<
Could I take the HA abra?
I have a phione a ha gligar shiny 6iv battle ready rayquaza
I'm your friendly neighborhood Dragon fun fact I'm one of the only ones who can take a ice beam And laugh right back at you with a outrage

Thanks :-)
u2 :P
im interested on the gligar if tis female

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