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[TRADE] Perfect/Special Ball/EM's Pokemons [Trade Shop] Added More Pokemons
Offer a trade when your done Smile
would like to have a swinub

can offer u a 5 iv lapras with freeze dry
5 iv squirtle with aura sphere and dragon pulse
also i have a 5 iv numel with stockpile
and recover sableye
interested in that lapras, does it have a matching ball?
lapras has a love ball
if u have a perfect female lapras in love ball i'd take it Smile what nature is it may ask?
its modest
i am breeding them atm
so need like 6 iv or 5 iv mising atack?
5iv missing atk is good enough Smile
ok, gonna breed it for u now
ok sure Smile if you dont mind, may i ask if you know a good lapras set?

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