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[TRADE] Poke trading :D
What is up guyssss :D
I got this 7 pokemons all kalos born that i would like to trade for other sweet pokes.
They are:
5iv (missing special attack) gale wings adamant Talonflame. Moveset: Brave bird, flare blitz, protect, quick guard. Shiny and invested in HP and attack.
5iv(missing special attack) pressure jolly Weavile. Moveset : night slash, icicle crash, punishment and dark pulse. Shiny and invested in attack and speed.
5iv (missing special attack) Shell armor Adamant Torterra. Moveset: Mega Drain, Grassy Terain, Seed Bomb and Superpower. Shiny and NOT invested in anything.
6iv Harvest  Impish Trevenant. Moveset: Leech seed, rest, curse and protect. Shiny and invested in hp,sp. def and def
5iv (missing attack) Flash fire Modest Chandelure. Moveset:Energy Ball, shadow ball, will-o-wisp and fireblast. Shiny and invested in Sp attack and speed.
5iv(missing attack) Infiltrator timid Noivern. Moveset: Hurricane, Dragon Pulse, boomburst and draco meteor. Shiny and invested in Sp attak and speed. TRADED
5iv (missing special attack) Sap Sipper Adamant Gogoat. Moveset: Horn leech, bulk up, wild charge and leech seed. Shiny and invested in Hp, attack and a little bit in speed. (TRADED)

Looking for -Modest Competitive Milotic. Moveset : Icy wind, recover, hp fire and scald (invested in 196 in HP, 132 in defense and 180 special attack)  
               -Jolly Intimidate Landorus Therian. Moveset: Earthquake, knock off, superpower and u-turn. Invested in speed and attack.
               - Any other pokes that i dont have that are competitive ready :D
The ones im looking for dont have to be kalos born Smile

Sorry if im beeing too picky Dx but im already answering the questions that most people do.

IGN: Tigas
FC: 0877-1552-3296
i can offer a 6IV HA shiny eevee for the gogoat?
I'll take trevenant and gkgoat I have a shiny battle ready milotic and a shiny battle rrady shucklw
(Jan 19, 2015, 05:17 PM)mastermind71 Wrote: I'll take trevenant and gkgoat I have a shiny battle ready milotic and a shiny battle rrady shucklw

heyyy, i have a shiny battle ready shuckle. Can you tell me more details abt the milotic please Smile thanks
(Jan 19, 2015, 05:17 PM)ashketchum116 Wrote: i can offer a 6IV HA shiny eevee for the gogoat?

Heyyy sorry but i already have one :/
Thanks anyways
Milotic is 6IV and shiny and battle ready not near my D's right now so not 100% surr
(Jan 19, 2015, 05:22 PM)mastermind71 Wrote: Milotic is 6IV and shiny and battle ready not near my D's right now so not 100% surr

I would love to know the moveset if u can and the investment. When you can tell me reply here please
6iv BR shiny charizard
6IV shiny BR dragonite
6IV shiny BR gyarados
5IV shiny BR altaria (missing sp att)
5IV shiny BR Scizor (Missing Sp att)
6IV shiny BR togekiss

anything there interest you for the gogoat?
(Jan 19, 2015, 05:25 PM)ashketchum116 Wrote: 6iv BR shiny charizard
6IV shiny BR dragonite
6IV shiny BR gyarados
5IV shiny BR altaria (missing sp att)
5IV shiny BR Scizor (Missing Sp att)
6IV shiny BR togekiss

anything there interest you for the gogoat?

That altaria seems good :D just the moveset and nature? Smile
jolly, natural cure. HP (not sure what type), roost, EQ, toxic.
Full EV investment in ATT and Speed

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