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[TRADE] Sassy Nature
Hi guys i am looking for a Sassy ditto for my Piplup and a Adamant Ditto for my Bagon (or any two  female pokemon in the same egg group)  if anyone has one, i have one 6iv Gardevoir one Zygarde many 5iv Gligars and many 5iv Scythers to trade. the two Ditto's don't have to be anything special i just need the natures . plz and Ty for your time.
i can hook you up with a female cubchoo with sassy if intrested
i can give you a sassy female cubchoo that can breed
plz that would be awesome. Smile
if you want dittos sorry im out
alright can you put it the gardevior
on the gts
sound good?
if so tell me the info
if it can breed with pipp i can make it work (>.<)b

ill pm you the info
sounds good
good working with you
note that it comes with no items
just for friending purposes

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